Mompreneur – Super Entrepreneur


Men may be (still) dominant in business world, but you and I have to admit that mompreneurs are tougher and have more tenacity than the rest that call themselves “entrepreneur.”

Mompreneur is someone who plays a leading role in two totally different worlds – As an entrepreneur and a mom.

If you men think entrepreneurship is tough and cut-throat, think again – Being a mom is even tougher than entrepreneurship. I know because I “test the water” myself.

I work at home and manage my businesses from the “comfort” of my home. Entrepreneurship is challenging, indeed, but taking care of my children when my wife is away is a much, much tougher job. You can probably manage dozens, if not hundreds, of employee, but I bet you will be having a hard time managing just two children.

Of course, as parents, you have to share roles, but you can’t deny that moms are the ruler of your house – They work full-time “managing” the households. Now add entrepreneurship to that you will get – mompreneur – THE super entrepreneur. I don’t know what to call a single mom who is also an entrepreneur…

I have full respect to mompreneurs – Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship is trivial; you can’t just choose one to succeed – You need both work well to be a successful mompreneur.

Here are some great tips from’s Lisa Druxman to someone considering becoming a mom entrepreneur:

  1. Be clear about why you want to become a mompreneur, and stay true to that reason.
  2. Be flexible, and have a sense of humor along the way.
  3. Don’t let fear of failure stand in your way. Be willing to take risks.
  4. Be a model mom. Run your business and your life in a way that you want your children to learn from.
  5. Be mom first and foremost. You have the rest of your life to take on the business world.

Ivan Widjaya
Mompreneurs rule!
Image by Entrepreneurial Design.