Update Often: Make a social media routine and stick to it. If it’s everyday you intend to post or every week just make sure you are consistent. Its difficult enough to standout in your probably over saturated niche, what do you think will happen if you don’t even show up at all; People will forget you.
Reply: Reply to everything friends send you; Links, photo’s, comments e.t.c .Every reply must be personalized, so they don’t think your a bot. You have to make sure they know you received whatever they sent and what you thought of it. This is a way to slowly build relationships which can eventually turn friends to clients.
Remember/Participate: Most social networks have calendars that report birthdays and other events, others have events that run daily; take Twitter for example, on monday is #musicmonday and friday is #followfriday. Participate in these events to show your followers you are not a bot, and who knows you can connect with several people who share the same taste in music as you.
Ask: You can attract a lot of friends and followers by asking questions. Even though your the supposed expert in that niche ask a couple of questions here and there that will encourage friends and followers to participate and pass it along.
Behave: You have to watch your manners and what you post when using social media for business, keep in mind all the time that this is not your personal page, and whatever may be funny to you can be highly offensive to others.