I agree with what the probloggers said, that you need a certain personality trait to be an authoritative business blogger. Thus, it is a common consensus that a great blogger is born, not taught.
However, despite agreeing with the problogger to a certain extent, I beg to differ.
Darren Rowse has it; Yaro Starak has it; Perez Hilton has it; that’s why they thrives by being unique and having “personality magnet” – a personality that draws in the people around them; and it’s more than being “likable”; some called it “charisma.”
Can you and I be like them? Maybe yes. But some aren’t born with a strong charisma and a knack to influence people easily. But no worries – while it’s true that you can’t teach someone to have interesting personality, you can certainly learn the techniques resembling to those who are blessed with such personality.
How to be an interesting small business blogger: A case study
Before continue with giving some pointers, here’s a case study to help me making my point – me.
Some of Noobpreneur Business Blog‘s readers told me that I have a unique blogging style; I take it as huge compliment. However, some others told me that my English sucks; I take it as a whip to better my English writing skills (which are no better than my English speaking skills – LOL.) I also have to say that I’m not an outgoing person, but I’m probably your best neighbour next door – I’m casual at best and far, far away from the business image of “a person wearing suit and tie, bringing a Blackberry in one hand and a cell phone on the other.”
I’m also not a good writer. I don’t do outline, and when blogging, I burst words after words until the last few sentences start not making any sense :) However, I’m a good learner; what’s more, I practice what I learn.
So, distilled from my short but life-changing experience, here are some pointers for you on how to be an interesting business blogger, and eventually an authoritative one:
1. Tell stories, case studies and opinions – start a conversation
People online are easily got bored; they don’t have the time and the interest to read text-book-like articles on common and broad topics, such as: “How to be a good entrepreneur.”
I won’t do definitions (unless I feel they can make a point I’m trying to make); I won’t do “according to this book…” – I prefer to refer to interesting articles and news pieces, as they tend to have this “up to date” feel; books tend to teach and tend to be theoretical, articles tend to illuminate with opinions and arguments – both are different, and I prefer the latter.
Instead, you need to write an article with conversational style. For instance, instead of explaining what “webpreneurship” with a definition from Wikipedia, it’s better for you to explain it with your own words, informally. You wouldn’t tell a person you met on an elevator with “according to Wikipedia, webpreneurship is…” – he/she will think you a tech-junkie and a geek (even if you are a geek like me, you don’t want to converse with other like one!) It’s better for you to tell stories and case studies – all in a sales-pitch-like explanation that will last in about 20 seconds.
2. Limit jargon
Sometimes, we do need to use jargon to let your readers know that you understand what you are talking about, thus allowing them to trust you more. But you gotta limit the use of those jargons; better yet, when you decide to use some, make sure you explain those in layman’s term – again, be sure you use jargons only when they are necessary to make your point.
3. Be genuine and truthful – never deceive your readers
If you never use a product you review in your article, be sure you explain that your review is based on other people you can trust; If you have no testimonial you can refer to, don’t write a product review; instead, write an article in your topic of interest – for instance, if you are reviewing a blogging tool you have no testimonial to base your review upon, consider to write an article about blogging with a recommended tool.
Be truthful, because you’ll never know whether your readers can discover the real truth behind your review – trust me, telling lies, no matter how “white” they are, can tarnish your reputation 100 times faster than the time it takes you to build your online reputation.
Any advise to share? Please share with us by commenting on this article.
Ivan Widjaya
Small business blogging
Image by Artnow314