Entrepreneurs – you can make a great impact to the community and environment by starting up a green business. You can generate profits while contributing to the environment – not by buying green credits that null your carbon footprints and such, but by doing a ‘real’ action, with green principles embedded in your business concept.
No, you don’t have to start a tree-planting business (of course, you could if you want.) Alternatively, you can consider looking on solving landfill problems, including electronics disposal problems; a recycling business would be a good green business idea.
Mobile phones recycling business
Now, what to recycle? If you are looking for a niche, here’s one idea for you: You can recycle mobile phones.
Think about it – with the growing number of mobile phone users, not mentioning the new arrivals that seem to be introduced in the market every minute, many people would be enticed to scrap their old phones and buy new ones – they are pretty much affordable today, along with plans from phone networks that allow you to take a mobile phone for free.
The above poses us new problems – landfill problems. Throwing electronics straight to landfill will contaminate the whole area – not nice, indeed. Stashing your old mobile phones in your drawer and attic? Not a good decision, either. You need a way to dispose those old phones the right way.
A mobile phone recycling business can solve both problems: the landfill problems and phone owners’ problems.
How does mobile phones recycling business work?
You can take two paths in recycling mobile phones: Recycle the old phones yourself and deliver the “end results” to mobile phone companies, or you can simply purpose your business as a “drop box” in which phone owners can send their old mobile phones to you.
Either way, you can offer compensation for the old phones to phone owners – this is a great way to attract and persuade phone owners to part with their old phones.
If you want to explore more about this opportunity, looking at how established mobile phone recycling business works is the way to go. Let’s take Mazuma Mobile as an example.
Mazuma Mobile offers phone owners cash for the trade in, direct to the bank account. Customers can do this online from their site, by choosing the phone make and model; then customers can view how much Mazuma Mobile will pay them for their phones.
Today, Mazuma Mobile have paid out over GBP 35 million to customers – this is a big business opportunity, indeed.
Are you ready take this lucrative green business opportunity and turn it into reality?
Ivan Widjaya
Green business idea