The number one mistake budding entrepreneurs make when starting a business is because they don’t start with the end in mind. The first question to ask before you start any business is: What are you going to do with your business? What’s your plan with your life?
You could answer the typical: “I’m going to go public in an IPO and retire rich,” “I want to be financially free,” “I want to sell the business,” and such. A few might answer, “I going to work on my business for my entire life – I love my biz! Yay!”
Such a noble intention, but unfortunately 80% entrepreneurs don’t get there. Most of the case, entrepreneurs – even the successful ones – fall into the same scheme: You trap yourself in your business, working 12 to 18 hours a day, even on weekends. Do that until you somehow have decided that you have had enough and quit the business (or sell it or whatever.)
If you asked me, my answer would raise some eyebrows: I want a business that allows me to do whatever I want, to live wherever I want – anytime.
Now hear this: Before you start any business, you need to figure it out how to make your business to run automatically by a team of virtual workers and a host of cloud apps.
Virtual workers rock!
Why virtual workers? Because full-time employees are resource consuming. Too much office politics; too much personal issues; too much disruption; the end results: Poor productivity. And guess what – no matter how hard you try to “empower,” “enrich” or “motivate” your employees, they end up talking behind your back while mingling on Twitter and Facebook, even shop online at office hours. Some much about employee retention…
On the other side, virtual workers do their thing because they are paid to deliver. You don’t need to keep an eye on those workers, other than their job description in details; those outside the details are their own business. No office expenses, minimal overheads.
Cloud applications rock!
Again, I remind you this: Before you start your business, you need to figure it out how to build your small business cloud.
Cloud apps allow you on-demand web services access based on subscription. The great thing about cloud computing and apps is that you only need to pay what your business need. As your business grows, your cloud can grow with you by upgrading your subscription to handle higher business demand.
One example of cloud apps is Google Apps for Business. The “Google’s cloud” offers reliable and secure web-based tools for businesses. Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and plenty of others – with enhanced security and 24/7 support – can help you collaborate better with your virtual workers, while reducing your overall costs.
Indeed, cloud computing is scalable. Either you are a one-person company or a 5000-person company, the same cloud business computing solutions can help you with the same level of services. Simple and powerful – no more investing for infrastructure to handle your growing business.
Virtual workers + cloud apps = freedom
When you combine the on-demand software and working with virtual workers and get them synchronized well, you’ll get a business that runs in a cloud; a business that allows you to be location independent. You can choose to work from home or from holiday spots – it’s your choice. Your working hours? Could be a couple of hours a day or even a week. Mini-retirements – here we come!
If you are looking for more information, please visit my site on cloud business and this site for location independent living.
Are you living and working location independent? Are you using cloud apps? Please share your story by commenting on this article.
Ivan Widjaya
Go cloud all the way!