Each year, hopeful entrepreneurs meet on the playing field to prove their worth in many competitions. If your idea wins one of these contests, you’ll get more than just bragging rights! You’ll capture the attention of industry leaders, venture capitalists, and the world. If you’re ready for the challenge, here’s a recap and peek of some of the 2011 challenges to help you get ready for 2012.
Connect with the Entertainment Industry at CCVentures
If your startup specializes in entertainment-related apps, enter the CCVentures competition, hosted by Connected Creativity.
This event pits the best in video games, multi-media suites, and mobile technology against one another for a chance to pitch their ideas to the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Finalists will make their presentations to the CCVentures jury and forum in Cannes this April.
Become a DEMOGod
Just imagine the prestige that being a DEMOGod could bring to your startup! Achieving this status is no easy feat. To earn tech immortality, each contestant must demo their product on the stage in less than 360 seconds.
Make sure your new app is bug-free, because there are no do-overs or PowerPoint prosthetics allowed in the DEMOGod contest! Most of the winners bypass a boring presentation full of technical details, and go with an over-the-top, outlandish show to capture maximum attention.
Make a VatorSplash
This is the end-all, be-all for startups creating new iPhone apps and social gaming platforms! This annual competition reviews hundreds of entries, to pick the best ten for the live competition.
If your new venture is chosen as one of the elite, you’ll have a chance to present a new product to a set of wealthy venture capitalists looking to invest in the next hot high-tech craze. To top it off, a professional film producer will create a cutting-edge video of each of the presentations that can be used as promotional material in the future.
Battle On at Disrupt
Enter now for your place in the Disrupt Battlefield competition! The winner takes all in this battle-to-the-death tech-fest. If you’re worthy, you will soon be standing on the main Disrupt stage, presenting your brainchild to the world.
As you launch your new startup to the industry leaders and media giants, you’ll be on your way to stardom. Entry requires the standard Battlefield application, a video demo, and a PowerPoint presentation. Along with your launch, you’ll win $50,000 in prize money, and the bragging rights that come with the “Disrupt Cup.” This or That combined with TechStars to hold a tournament for startups somewhat similar to this, except a bracket style voting occurred.
StartUps Go Public
For a free entry, be one of the first 5,000 subscribers to pay for a membership to the Funding Roadmap. This contest will highlight a wide variety of talent in the US, and challenge anyone with a great new idea to move from the idea stage to a full-fledged business.
Winners will receive a set of products and services worth over $100,000. To enter, visit the Funding Roadmap website to create an executive summary and feature video describing your new product or service.
With all these opportunities in the coming year, what are you waiting for?