When you first think about starting your own online business, its best to think about the market you will be in. Knowing your market will give you a better insight into what customers want and what works well in that particular market. This will also give you a good insight into exactly which market you want to target and it will help you to stay focused on goals to help build your business.
Website design
When thinking of the domain name, remember that it needs to be in line with your overall web presence. When designing the site you need a user friendly interface that’s easy to navigate around; customers want to find a product/service as quickly as they can, so ensuring your site has a good interface will encourage customers to come back to your site. Make sure features such as the shopping cart, search boxes etc. are easy to find and associating your site with payment systems such as Paypal will give your site credibility.
Easy to find
Having the best website in the world doesn’t guarantee that search engines will rank you high on their list. You need to ensure that along with website design you are involved in smart website practices such as SEO. This will help to increase your brand awareness online, which will in turn increase traffic to your site that will lead onto sales.
Social Media
Get yourself onto Facebook and Twitter, these alone will not take your business to the top. You need to ensure that your site has decent content and is updated regularly before you start to engage in social media. Once you’re on top of this you can concentrate on tweeting and having a Facebook presence.
Legal Stuff
Lastly, but the most important part of setting up a business is to make sure you familiarise yourself with all the legalities of running a business. If there are things you don’t understand such as tax or e-commerce laws get in touch with someone who does, there are many knowledge resources online to give you advice and tips as well.
Hello my name is Nisha Sandhu I am 26 years old and I am an Editor at, whom I have been working with for 2 years now.
Image: kipcurry