The internet is a great way to stay connected with a large group of people and expand the exposure of your company’s product or service. This is because the world wide web truly is world wide, and people from all over this country and beyond can hear about your business simply by browsing on Facebook. This alone equals tremendous opportunities for business owners from small to large sized companies.
One of the best ways to grow your business through networking is by setting up your own account on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Blogger. These are the four most popular social networking websites on the web right now and each have thousands of active users every day. Since official websites usually require a nominal fee, these free social networking websites may be the best option for smaller businesses that are pinching pennies while starting out. Of course, you can always have an official website in addition to these social networking websites for maximum exposure and information. A good tip is to always include links to your company’s other websites on each page. For example, on your business Facebook page, you should include a link to your business Twitter, LinkedIn, and Blogger accounts to redirect interested costumers and increase traffic to your website.
Just having an account on each of these social networking sites is great for business, but it’s even better when you are frequently active on these sites. The more information you put on your website, the more people are going to trust your business. Also, constant reminders through Facebook updates and Tweets will remind current followers of your company’s promotions and may encourage more sales. Frequent blogs are another good way to give your company a voice and a face that people will trust and feel more comfortable doing business with.
E-mail is another great way to attract new customers and keep up with current ones. Make it a store policy to get the customer’s e-mail address each time they make a purchase. This will give you access to their account to send promotions and sales out to attract customers who have proven interest in your product or service. To encourage customers to get on your company’s e-mailing list, offer special discount to customers who sign up to increase sales and attract new customers. One important tip with email marketing is to use personal discretion when sending out emails to avoid being overbearing to customers. Frequent updates are important, but not so frequent that you become an annoyance to the customer and possibly get placed in the junk mail folder. Focus on one every two weeks and keep track of how the customer responds to email promotions to know how to react in the future.
Although digital marketing is an essential part of growing your business through marketing, it doesn’t mean that this should be your only form of marketing. Despite how popular these social outlets are, there is a minority that doesn’t use them often or even at all. It is always a good business decision to cater to both online and offline world by advertising in all realms. For example, take out frequent ads in the newspaper or even set up a billboard around town to get your company’s message out there and alert the public of new business promotions.
About the author:
Diane Johnson primarily writes about online classes and anything else that interests her. She enjoys traveling, reading, and sports.