If you want to begin making money from home, whether you need supplemental income or to completely support yourself, it’s easy in today’s world of global connection. With a home computer, an internet connection, and a niche, you can turn your free time into dollars. You don’t necessarily need any special skills, but it helps to be self-motivated. After all, no one else is going to get you out of bed every morning.
If you are one of those people who cringes when you see a misspelling on a billboard for all the world to see, you may be able to make a living editing other people’s writing. Advertise your services locally and in online writers’ forums, and you may soon have as much work as you can handle.
Freelance Writing
If you are creative and have a knack for language, consider writing articles. You can write for local magazines or newspapers or go online and write for sites like ehow.com and Associated Content.
If you always have plenty to say and people are always asking your opinion, start a blog. Give your point of view about current events or share your cooking secrets. Once you have developed a following, you can sell advertising space on your site or add affiliate links so you earn a commission from links your readers click on.
Although this is not directly computer-related, if you’re constantly creating home décor from discarded items or make fabulous shiny things from toilet paper tubes, there is a market for that. Whether you sell your crafts on websites like Etsy.com or write tutorials on your blog, you will capture the attention of every wannabe crafter on the World Wide Web, and you can make money from your designs or by selling advertising on your blog.
Product Reviews
Many websites will pay you to review products you have used. You can write reviews for sites like epinions.com and get paid based on the number of people who find your reviews helpful. You can also record video reviews and get paid even more per upload on websites like Expo TV.
If you’re not that keen on giving your opinion online or coming up with creative content, you can always look for transcription work. Many websites allow you to transcribe brief recordings for a few dollars, and the earnings can really add up.
Remember how popular eBay was when it first came out? Well, it still is. Whether you gather household items that you no longer use or toys your kids have outgrown, your trash can be someone else’s treasure. You can also purchase highly sought-after items at yard sales and thrift shops and resell them on eBay to make a profit.
Web Design
Do you have an eye for design and a technical sense? Just about everyone wants a website these days, but many people don’t even know where to start. Become a consultant or a web designer and find work in your local community or online.
Showcase your creative talent by creating an online portfolio, then sell your work to stock photography sites. Often, people in your town will find your portfolio and seek you out to do family portraits or school photos.
Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants don’t have to work in their clients’ office to help them with their tasks. They can do data entry, invoicing, article submission, and respond to emails from their own homes. You may have to touch base with a telephone call now and then, but you’ll be able to work without your boss hovering over your cubicle.
No matter what your skills are, there is something you can do if you want to work from home. Some of these options are better suited to people who simply want to supplement their income. However, with a little motivation and diligence, you can make a living from your own home.
A financial counselor from Sydney, Karen Matthews also contributes content for Money Choices, an Australian credit card comparison site offering terrific deals on balance transfers when you switch over to new card companies.