Your website isn’t converting visitors into customers.
Your website looks great but it isn’t attracting enough traffic.
Sound familiar?
Perhaps it’s time to take another look at your website and consider the three fundamentals of a successful website: Visibility, Usability and Convertibility.
1. Visibility
By visibility, I mean the amount of good quality search traffic your website attracts.
This traffic could come from social media, search engines or pay-per-click and display advertising, but wherever it comes from it must be composed of searchers with a potential interest in your product, service or organisation.
If you want to make sure your site is visible for the right terms in search engines, the foundations of a solid search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign must be built in to your website.
That means you’re going to need things like optimised content, descriptions and page titles and a well-structured site navigation that’s easy for the search engines to understand.
2. Usability
The second fundamental element of a successful website is usability.
There’s so much competition online that websites have just a few seconds to capture the attention of visitors.
If your website is confusing, difficult to navigate and doesn’t immediately give searchers the information they are looking for, they’re likely to hit the back button, and you’ll have lost a potential customer.
3. Convertibility
If you want your website to start working for you, it must engage users.
The content and design of your website has to encourage visitors to take some kind of action, whether that be picking up the phone, signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.
This is what I like to call convertibility and it’s my final, yet equally essential, element of a successful website.
Take a long, hard look at your business’s website and think about whether it really works hard enough to encourage those crucial conversions.
Do You Want Your Website to be a Success?
If your company’s website is missing any of the three fundamental elements of a successful website it’s probably not performing as well as it could, or should be. In this case you should be looking for a full-service online marketing agency to look at these element of your website for you.