If like me you work from home most of the week, you’ve probably had to deal with fighting off distraction both from other people and things in your home, such as the television. I have an office space in my house which is optimised for me to work and my flat mates have been told not to disturb me while I’m in there. Frustratingly, this never seems to stop them and I sometimes think to myself ‘maybe things would be better didn’t work from home, or even if I didn’t live with them, because I just can’t get on with anything’ and this, I find, is the absolute worst thing about working at home and I really don’t want to feel like this.
Now, the house I live in is quite small and it so it sometimes feels difficult to get away and get into “work mode”. When I do it’s great, but I can’t afford to waste the time that is taken up by being distracted. I can’t suggest anything for those people that are lazy, but I can suggest something for those that feel their house may not be the right working environment.
If you’re blessed with a garden, you can use a Log Cabin. Most people believe Log Cabins are essentially glorified sheds, but this definitely isn’t the case. When you look at the range of Cabins available through Tiger Log Cabins it becomes increasingly apparent that Log Cabins can be so much more.
Log Cabins are being noticed more and more as the must have Garden “Accessory”. As Mortgages and Loans become ever more difficult to secure, moving or extending your home can either be astronomically expensive, or even completely unaffordable. This means, that Log Cabins are a much less expensive alternative to extending your space.
You can fully customise you Log Cabin, kitting them out with running water, electricity, insulation, and even heating systems. In fact, every amenity you would want in your home can be installed in your Log Cabin. This is what makes them perfect for using as office spaces.
Just imagine working away on your laptop or computer in your own private office, maybe down at the bottom of the garden, when you realise you would quite like a cup of tea. Instead of having to go into your house, your kettle is in your cabin. You can still go into the house if you want to, but the likely hood of being distracted by that daytime marathon of “Location, Location, Location” is greatly diminished. In other words, the advantages of working at home are still present, but many of the disadvantages are not.
Your Work Cabin doesn’t even need to be a space that’s just for you; many Log Cabins come in varying sizes that can be suitable for small teams. This is particularly useful for companies and businesses that are just starting out and haven’t developed enough to justify an actual office. This also means that the price of your Log Cabin can help reduce initial start up costs. This is quite a common occurrence with internet based entrepreneurs such as web developers and freelance designers, who rely on reputation and have yet to build up large client based portfolios.
Image by Shifting Creations / Flickr