I would like to take this opportunity to announce the launch of a new site in my network, The Cloud Infographic – a site searching the web for cloud computing infographics to help visitors to answer this question better: What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing for small business is more accessible than ever today. There are so many cloud apps and solutions introduced today specifically aimed to serve the small business market. How so?
It’s simple: Cloud computing can offer many benefits to businesses, especially to small businesses. Increase productivity, reduce costs and minimize IT infrastructure budget. And one more thing – cloud computing is green, and small business can save up to 90% in energy costs (thus reducing carbon footprints) – not mentioning the 40-80% savings on your budget according to some sources.
However, as cloud computing is evolving rapidly (and will become mainstream very soon – some even say that it is already mainstream today,) there are new definitions, technology advances and issues related to cloud computing that make it difficult for non-techie small business owners to follow.
Thus yet another resource site for small business owners, The Cloud Infographic, was born. You can learn about cloud computing from cloud infographics, regardless your knowledge level of cloud computing; indeed, the site is newbie-friendly – so non-techie, cloud enthusiasts, students – anyone – can enjoy jargon-free information about cloud computing and its role in business (and our life.)
But why cloud infographics?
Infographics can help you to understand statistical data and information – typically research findings and survey results – better as they are summarized in a graphical form. A cloud computing infographic can tell you about many things in a single image.
As people can learn better and faster via visual images than texts, infographics can explain complex topics, such as cloud computing, easy and quickly.
The cloud infographic site is free to access and to share – so be sure to tell your colleagues, partners and fellow small business owners about it…
The Cloud Infographic
Ivan Widjaya
Cloud computing learning resource for small business owner