In a very technical business World which is constantly looking to reduce costs, HD video conferencing can prove very useful since it provides an effective means to communicate whilst not having to worry about travel and lodging costs. Whilst recent developments have made video conferencing easier than it has ever been, there still are a number of basic factors that you should bear in mind when carrying out a video conferencing meeting:
1.Test you equipment before the conference
Failing to test your video conferencing equipment prior to undergoing a conferencing session can result in embarrassing delays as you anxiously fix problems whilst your colleagues wait for you on the other side of the conference call. Test all your equipment before starting the video conferencing session including your camera, microphone, mute button, headsets and the monitor to ensure that all equipment is connected and working correctly. If you are using screen share apps for presentations then make sure to test the app with a coworker as well.
2. Dress the part
Remember, this is still a business meeting and you will need to dress is the same way as you would if you were going into a normal meeting. Make sure you dress formally but try to avoid bright colours since this can be distracting when viewed through a webcam.
3. Avoid unnecessary movements
Movements and sounds can be amplified when going through a microphone and can annoying to your colleagues on the other side of the conference call. Keeping your movements more subtle will ensure that your viewers are able to concentrate more on what you are saying rather than your movements.
4. Remove any distractions
It is important that your viewers are focused on you and what you have to say rather than what is in the background. Make sure to eliminate sources of external light and ensure that the background is simple but professional.
5. Speak clearly
Varying levels of bandwidth can result in delays which cause voices to be transmitted out of sync with the video. With this in mind, speak clearly and always make sure you pause for a second before speaking again as your viewer may still be receiving your message and may need a second to reply to what you have just said.
6. Keep it to the point
A meeting of any kind can become tedious after around two hours therefore you should try to keep things to the point. If you feel know that the conferencing session will take over an hour or two then consider taking a break in the middle of the session.
7. Think about positioning
Where you position yourself and how much of the background your viewers can see is vital. If you are too close then your viewer may feel uncomfortable but if you are too far then your viewer may be easily distracted by other things in the background. A distance of three feet from the webcam is ideal to show your viewers that you are interested whilst also giving them their own personal space.
8. Use larger font for onscreen chatting
Making appropriate eye is vital during a meeting of any kind and a video conferencing meeting is is no exception. Ensure that you look into the camera rather than the monitor every now and again as this will give the impression to your viewers that you are looking directly at them. This will no doubt feel a little strange at first but after a while it will become second nature to you.
9. Make eye contact
Most of the normal rules for taking a meeting also apply to a video conferencing meeting. which means that you should always make eye contact with the person that you are speaking to.
10. Check up on your colleagues during the meeting
It is important that you take time to ensure that your viewers are up to speed with the meeting. Put aside some time to stop and answer any questions that your viewers may have.