With a little creativity and ingenuity you can turn something you love into a career. There are so many options. Evaluate what your interests are that may be profitable in some way. Watching TV may not be but then again, maybe you could write television reviews or celebrity articles? Create a logo, your own website, and you’re off an running!
Students, moms, and others knowledgeable in a subject have been able to turn their love of teaching into a career, even without a degree in education. Options include tutoring, from elementary reading to college science and everything in between. If there are students studying the subject, tutors are needed for those who are struggling or those who want to advance their skills.
Do you love to speak French but have very little opportunity? You could join a club but that wouldn’t pay. Consider teaching a foreign language to children. I have a friend who has been very successful marketing her skills to daycares, camps, and home schooling groups, to the point that she has a busy teaching schedule. Another friend has a contract interpreter business for schools, hospitals, and other community services. If you read and write more than one language, written translation is something to think about because the pay is especially good; check out absolutetranslations.com.
Consumers seek lessons to learn many things including singing or playing music, dance, and sports. Consider offering lessons. Teach an instrument you love to others””or if dance is your thing, consider opening a small studio. Children and adults like to learn new things including golf, tennis, and horseback riding. Market yourself to your local community for best results.
Are you a crafter? Crafting as a hobby is fun! Crafting as a business is unlimited fun. Available opportunities include teaching classes at community centers, craft stores like Michael’s, and making and selling things on Etsy or Ebay””and of course a blog of your own.
Is your passion shopping? Opening a consignment/resale store is a great idea. Likewise, many folks have made money bargain hunting and reselling the items on auction sites at a mark up.
A car enthusiast with mechanic skills can find work performing car repairs. This is popular right now with the down economy because many people are fixing their cars instead of buying new ones. Pass around a flyer in your neighborhood, and tell everyone you know that you are available for this work; you’ll have more work than you can get to in no time! You may also enjoy writing a blog on DIY’s like changing a tire or the oil in your car, basic tune-ups, etc.
If you’re into working out or friends always come to you for diet ideas and encouragement, you may want to choose a career as a personal trainer. A fitness guru can easily start teaching exercise classes at a community center or gym and start working with individuals one on one to create a thriving business.
What are you passionate about? How can you turn that into a career? Find out if there is a need in your area. What is the risk? Do your research. Find out what resources you need to get started, research the best way to market yourself, and go from there. There’s nothing more satisfying than making a living doing something that you love!
Image: Michelle Spaulding / Flickr