I am a webpreneur. I deal with many websites and other web properties. I never consider myself as successful. However, I’m working hard to get there. During my 4 years or so in the online entrepreneurship game, I’ve learned that if you want to be successful, you need to embrace change. I’ve learned this the hard way, losing dozens of websites due my unwilingness in embracing changes.
And due to the fact that I am not a person who likes changes much, I need to somehow find a way to embrace change, as I have finally realised that the key to be successful in business, especially in online entrepreneurship, is my ability to adapt and respond to that changes – and doing so in timely manner.
Example of a business owner embracing change
One of the examples on how an online business owner embraces change is eZineArticles.com’s founder, Chris Knight.
eZineArticles.com – the most popular article directory and authors community on the web today visited by millions of people on regular basis – was experiencing great challenges in 2011. As Google rolls out a major algorithm changes known as Google Panda, which allegedly penalized websites with sub-standard content quality. Big sites are affected by the changes, including eZineArticles.com.
The aftermath was disastrous: eZineArticles.com lose about a third of its traffic, which greatly impacted its revenue. Chris Knight wasted no time releasing several announcements that eZineArticles.com will undergo major changes focusing on improving authors’ content quality, such as article length suggestion, stricter article approval policy, and such. Not only the content quality, he has also changed the layout of eZineArticles.com – which I think more intuitive and professional looking.
The result is positive. Since the big changes, eZineArticles.com has managed to stop a big slump in traffic, and gradually gaining traction in Google.
More changes ahead – are you ready to embrace it?
As we all know, the example I present above is just one of many issues a business need to respond. As the economic situation is still unstable, you need to respond to changes in timely manner.
Indeed, you can’t simply hide your head in the ground or run away from the situation. That’s lame! You need to break the habit; you need to get on your feet and face your giants. THEN you will understand that changes are not bad after all.
Embracing and responding to changes by defeating your giant one by one gives you much-needed confidence to take on bigger challenges – “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” (from the Bible – Luke 16:10 NIV.)
Are you really ready to be successful? If you think so, then you HAVE to embrace change, as in every change you need to tackle, there’s an opportunity waiting to be discovered. Trust me on this – I’ve been there.
So, do you have any stories to share about how embracing changes helps you and/or your business to reach new level in your personal and business life? If so, please share yours, as we all want to learn from you!
Ivan Widjaya
Embracing change