Those who want to grow their businesses online also recognize that video of any sort is usually a good thing for websites. It fosters stickiness or longer view time on site, provides value and captivates the viewer if it’s at all good, and is definitely loved by the search engines — Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all the particular niche engines.
Using YouTube Video to Promote Your Business
No discussion of web video would be complete without discussing the king of all video sites, YouTube. If you’re swimming with the seals off the coast of South Africa, you should to know about the sharks. Well, presume in your small business realm, you could be the shark instead of the seal?
Take a look at the video below to find out how.
The video above was inspired by a write-up I read at about marketing on YouTube. It notes several business examples of businesses that artistically and innovatively exploited YouTube to go viral and significantly increase sales.
I talked about Executive Video Interviews on Skype for small business marketing, in which in 30 minutes you can make a polished business interview video in your own office or home without any business interruption. Learn how you can affordably develop branding videos for your company using this method, and have a look at the growing list of videos in our portfolio for content customers.
So how are you using YouTube or online video to drive sales to your business? Post your creativity below.
About the Author:
Karl Walinskas is the CEO of Smart Company Growth, a business development firm that helps small to mid-size professional service firms builds competitive advantage in an online world of sameness. He is author of numerous articles and the Smart Blog on leadership, business communication, sales & service, public speaking and virtual business, and Getting Connected Through Exceptional Leadership, available in theSmartShop. Get your FREE LinkedIn Profile Optimization eBook & Video Course, Video Marketing video and course, or Mastermind Groups e-course & video now.
Image: Icontexto / Iconspedia