Every airliner has a different design and a different seating arrangement. Some airplanes have less legroom, so make sure to analyze the plane you are boarding and then book your seat in business class. Sites like http://www.letsflycheaper.com show the accurate layout of all aircraft so you know exactly what your options are.
Exit row
It’s common knowledge that seats in the exit row have more leg room than other coach seats. The Federal Aviation Administration has rules for who may occupy the exit rows. In exchange for this extra leg space you have to agree to assist with opening the emergency doors should the need arise. Passengers younger than 15 years and families with young children are restricted from occupying these rows. But if you like to stretch out while flying, this is a good choice.
Bulkhead seats
Bulkhead seats have no seats in front of them, so you have the luxury of extra leg room. The bulkhead seats are located just behind the physical partition (the wall between first class and economy class). The one drawback to bulkhead seats is limited storage place. That is, you can’t keep anything under the seat in front of you as you can with most other seats.
Analysis of the Best Airplane seat
Is there even such a thing? It’s really a matter of individual preference. But one thing is certain: it’s better to spend time looking before booking. Otherwise, you may repent later.
What, then, is the best seat? Here are some considerations:
For the nervous flyer, the best seat will be located over the wings. Looking out at the wing can be reassuring and calming.
For overnight flights, window seats give you the option to lean back and/or prop your head against the wall and sleep. It’s nice to have more than one position to relax in.
When you’re on a tight schedule and need to catch a connecting flight (especially in large, spread out airports), you don’t want to be scrambling over your fellow passengers. Go for an aisle seat as close to the front as possible.
Exceeding Your Expectations: Business Class
Business class is generally found in all international routes to accommodate the needs of frequent (e.g., business) travelers. You’ll find the comfort and the amenities offered in business classfar exceed those offered in economy class, domestic first class, or premium economy class.
The “standard” amenities in business class include:
- Double the leg room of economy class
- Premium food and wine
- Reclining seats for added comfort
- Seats two to three inches wider than economy class
- The reclining position of the chair can be controlled via a switch on the seat’s arm rest
- Seats recline fully so the business traveler can fully relax and catch some shuteye
- Personal TVs allow each passenger to control their viewing experience
- Power ports for laptops and other electronic device charging
- Higher cabinstaff to passenger ratio
- Toiletries, eye masks, socks,and other personal comfort items are all part of the business class experience
Everything about business class is designed for passenger comfort. There are five types of seats available in business class. These are totally different from coach seats. Choose from:
Recliner Seats:Recline to about 160 degrees from the base of the seat.
Lie Flat Seats:Recline to 172 degrees. These seats offer added comfort, especially to work and relax.
Flat Belt Seats:Seats recline fully to 180 degrees. In this position the seat becomes like a bed.
Suites: These seats combine comfort and privacy. Passengers fly in their own mini cabin furnished with a television. Suite seats recline to 35 degrees and can be adjusted electronically via the head rest and arm rest.
Cradle Seats: Many airlines provide cradle seats, which recline 160 degrees.
Guidelines for getting the best tickets and best seats
It is always better to buy your ticket well in advance so that you have the best seat selection. Keep browsing online for the best deal available. A last resort is to reach for an agent before taking your flight.
Upgrading your seat
A few airlines allow you to choose a seat with extra leg room, but charge an extra fee. Still, it’s a small price to pay for personal comfort — especially on long cross-continental flights.
Airline agents can also help you get you a better deal and a better seat, but not all agents are willing to go the extra mile. Before check-in your agent will want you to verify the seat you’ve booked. Also, if you have any medical condition or special boarding needs, you may want your agent to know about it so that he or she can make arrangements accordingly.
For more information on business travel or cheap business class flights you should visit www.letsflycheaper.com