I just read that Pinterest is now the third most popular social media network, just behind Facebook and Twitter. Indeed, that means Pinterest has surpassed LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+ and many other popular social media sites. Even in some regions, Pinterest is actually the number one social networking site.
Although visiting Pinterest can tell you that it’s a social sharing site gearing toward female audience (60 percent of Pinterest users are women,) everyone can benefit from Pinterest. It has become a powerful marketing channel for small businesses; it’s also working quite well for political campaigns, too.
Big brand names are going to Pinterest for branding purposes, as well as driving sales. Not only the big guys, I’ve read some website owners also benefit from Pinterest’s popularity, driving 1,000s of visitors to their websites via Pinterest alone.
The bottom line, you need to seriously consider Pinterest for your small business. Now here’s the question for you: Will investing in an effort to get your small business on Pinterest be worthwhile? The answer might lie in your motives in joining Pinterest.
Why your small business should (or shouldn’t) be on Pinterest
I’ve stumbled on a great infographic by Intuit. It is actually a flowchart you can use to see whether Pinterest is for you and your small business. So, instead of wasting small business resources aimlessly by following what’s hot today, you can now take a well-informed decision on why your small business should be on Pinterest – and you can might as well calculate your social media ROI for your efforts.
Via: Should Your Business Be on Pinterest? Find Out [INFOGRAPHIC]
I personally think the flowchart is very helpful in discovering what I should do next if I want my Pinterest campaigns to work out well (or whether I should choose another social networking site that is more suitable for my business goals.)
So, how about you? Will you use Pinterest? Why? Please share your thoughts by commenting on this post!
Ivan Widjaya
Pinterest for small business