Having an angry customer is an unavoidable fact. What is avoidable is to keep them that way. In this post we will be discussing some effective strategies on how to deal with angry customers. Businesses will find this information very helpful in order to provide better customer service to their clients.
Determine the Reason
Angry customers will have a very reasonable explanation for their behavior. It is your job, as business representatives, to find out exactly why they are upset about. This initiation will calm them down and tell them that they will be heard. Pay attention to everything they say. Ask questions if you need more information. Find out exactly what is their cause of concern. Whether it’s a defective product or unsatisfactory service, it is your responsibility to get to address your customers concern and queries in a proper and proficient manner.
Admit Your Mistake
Many companies especially name brand businesses shy away from admitting their mistake thinking that it will lower their credibility. This is a wrong approach. In fact admitting your mistake does not lower your business’s credibility. Not responding to your customer’s complaint is! After listening to the angry customer, if the problem is indeed on your side, then admit your mistake. This will calm them down. Most of the time, the customers are looking for an admission of guilt rather than a compensation.
Apologize to the Customer
Now that you know what’s wrong and why, its time to start making amends. The priority here should be to retain the customer, not to push them away. An apology shall not only kick start the recovery process, it will also create a good impression on the customer and compel them to keep doing business with you.
Fix the Problem
An apology won’t go far unless the problem is resolved. Determine the best course of action and keep the customer in the loop. A big part of good customer service is solving problems. Whether it’s replacing a product, giving a full refund or providing a new service, find out what’s best for the customer and then close the issue.
Seal the Deal with Assurance
Retaining old clients should be just as important to a company as retaining new ones. With that in mind, assure the angry customer that this type of mistake will never happen again and tell them that you value their business. This will leave an everlasting impression.
No business can afford to lose customers regardless of how strong their clientele is. If getting new clients is a skill then retaining old ones is an art. This is why precisely why businesses invest heavily in customer support departments to make their company more reachable and marketable. It’s all about impressions and how much a company cares about its clients.
About the Author: Alex Finlay is a design consultant with 10+ years of marketing experience, mostly with start-up companies. He helps start-ups create a brand image and grow their online presence. Alex has been working with LogoDesignGuru on many online marketing projects, providing brand identity solutions for small businesses.
Image: worak / Flickr