Just like many other auction sites, eBay has numerous photographs for sale. Therefore, to assess what type of photos would be suitable, simply visit the site and see the different photos that are already selling. Photos of antiques are some of the most popular photos on eBay. One-of-a-kind images, as well as unique celebrity photos, also sell very well. The following are some of the rules which you need to adhere to when selling photos on eBay.
- Take time to read and comprehend rules for selling photographs on eBay. Make sure you don’t violate any of the privacy or age restriction rules
- Be sure about what exactly you are selling; resell rights, print rights or public usage rights
- Whenever possible, include samples of your work, as well as your contact details, in the item description
In regards to the first point, selling with resell rights means that the buyer has the right to resell your image. On the other hand, selling with full rights means that you are not allowed to sell the image later since the buyer now has all the rights. If you decide to hand over full rights to the customer, make sure the photo is priced properly since this is the first and last sale you will make. Resell rights can be sold for up to $2000 per image, depending on the uniqueness and type of photo.
Public usage rights allow buyers to display your photos publicly. However, they cannot resell the photos. You can continue selling the images to as many people as you wish. The only problem is that you will eventually reach a point of market saturation, where the photos become so common that no one else interested in buying them. Usually, such photos sell for anything from $3 to $40 each on eBay.
Another item which sells well on eBay is screensavers. You can easily create your own easily using one of the many screensaver programs which are available for download on the internet. Once your screensaver is ready, go ahead and list it for sale in your eBay account. You will have the opportunity to sell the same screensaver as many times as you wish. There are no limits.
You can also make good money on eBay by shooting photos at sporting events. Photos of popular players can earn you up to $200 a piece. When at the sporting event, get close to the action and identify several popular sports stars that you would want to target. Take as many photos as possible so as to have many options to choose from. Once you have selected your best shots, create a listing for them on your eBay account. The easiest strategy is to sell them digitally on the internet. You could also give bidders the option of having the image shipped to them in frame. To enable bidders to find your photos faster, remember to include the name of the sportsperson in your listing. You are likely to get several bids on most of your photos since there are many sporting enthusiasts who need such images.
These are just a few of the photos that sell well on eBay. However, things change with time. You should always be on the lookout for emerging trends.
About the Author: Charles Mburugu has a great passion for sharing web development tips. Recently, he shared an istock photo promo code and a jupiter images coupon. He also writes for blogs such as Noobpreneur.