When budding entrepreneurs are going to establish a business, it’s most likely that they will need to use computer, including the need to store business-related information somewhere and they must have some computing facilities in order to perform the necessary tasks to make their business runs like a well-oiled machine.
Those things result in additional expenses; you have to buy PCs and software. Moreover, if your business is a specialized one, such as a software development company or a design firm, you have to buy really expensive PCs that will be able to perform tasks quickly and effectively.
You also need to invest in software. Sometimes, PCs cost not that really much as software does, especially specialized one – tens of thousands of dollars have sometimes to be spent on such software, which in turn gets old during a single year and in order to be able to perform the latest tasks and functions, you have to buy the next version, which is not that cheap as you would like it to be. Moreover, the operational requirements of the above-mentioned software are also increased, and you understand that soon you will have to buy new PCs in order to facilitate your employees to work effectively and without delays.
All in all, the situation turns out to be the following: You spend one third of your earned expanses on software and PCs. Well, if your business is small, it can be not a one third, but it is still a considerable sum that you would rather like to spend on more important issues, such as business development. However, as many – if not most – small businesses operate under a tight budget, it’s really a headache.
Fortunately, the solution to those problems exists Lately, during last couple of years, cloud solutions have become popular and are becoming more popular with every day of their existence. Staring as solutions dealing only with data storage, offering convenient and secure ways to store company data, now the cloud is offered as a computing solution: You just have to sign up and there you go – you can access to the cloud, and ALL the information, software and other stuff is stored upon it. You can do almost anything in the cloud – build business apps, manage business functions, CRM, and so on, accessing wealth of resources without the need to actually invest in hardware and software; let’s say that by ‘plugging’ our business into the cloud we rent IT resources in exchange for a one time, pay-as-you-go payment or a recurring one. This enables us to spend REALLY LESS money on PCs and software.
So, what are you waiting for? Jump into the cloud bandwagon and access the resources that were available to big businesses! Next time we are going to inspect the topic more thoroughly, review the providers and decide upon which one is most suitable for one or another kind of business.
About the Author: As a confident technology blogger whose articles were published on a number of online and offline resources Tamika Clifford offers you new insights in Mac world. She is currently engaged in multiple online projects including publications on technology resources and working as external expert for some industry leading companies including http://www.mackeeper.zeobit .com