Regardless of whether you’re using social media for personal or professional use, the appearance of advertisements is prominent online. Admit it, if you’re wanting to advertise something, the Internet is the first place you would go. It’s fast, efficient, and the most immediate to many.
Society today allows for cash to transcend from the physical world of green paper in hand to a virtual flow of numbers and transactions. And why not? If our society’s social sphere is driven by media, why not the sphere of commerce?
Social commerce is becoming the future of our method of monetary transactions. Just as secrets are swapped over Facebook, so is cash for online purchases.
What about something that does both, though? What if there was a site that offered a secret and an opportunity to buy? Well luckily for you, it turns out there is.
A website called BuyerHive offers the best of both worlds. It is essentially a group-buying site geared toward small-medium businesses that offers the most secretive deals on the essentials of a business (office supplies, travel, technology, etc). In return for using BuyerHive, the buyer receives cash benefits.
So if you’re a small business-owner looking to jump on the social commerce train, BuyerHive may be the right track for you.
What are the Benefits?
BuyerHive offers the most select prices that allow your business to get ahead of the game in terms of money and information. No scams, no tricks, just unbelievable deals!
Your businesses can reap the rewards of participating in the trends of social commerce. You’ll also be well equipped by branching out to BuyerHive’s different online suppliers. You can buy from one or buy from many. It’s a great way to discover more people and organizations to trust for quality goods and services.
Once you’re in on the secret, why not share it? Tweet about it, blog about it, vlog about it, whatever! Spread the word and spread the wealth. It’s worth it.
Get Going, Get Gossiping!
Go to for more information and get started in more ways than one.