When you start a new business, the planning can seem overwhelming. From hiring website designers to choosing a storefront to finding a digital marketing agency, no detail is too small. One of the most important considerations, however, is your company’s brand – because it’s your most valuable fixed asset.

Why Branding Matters
A company’s brand represents its personality. It identifies the products or services offered and reflects the organization’s relationship to its stakeholders. It offers the quickest way for a business to express what it does. Because consumers link brands to experiences, feelings and perceptions, brand recognition and awareness are some of the most coveted assets in building a loyal consumer base.
Inaccurate branding can be a costly downfall for a company. When a brand fails to communicate correctly, it can cause confusion about a company’s purpose, which hinders consumer trust. Keep in mind that your company’s brand is its face to the world. The ultimate goal is to have consumers recognize your company’s name and logo and automatically know what they represent. For example, when you see an apple on a laptop, you automatically know who made it and what the company’s values are.
Brand Elements
Website designers know that a brand is more than just a name and logo. A brand’s identity humanizes its respective business, particularly in the online world. It’s also multidimensional and can include any of the following.
- Taglines or catchphrases: “Can you hear me now?”
- Graphics: The Nike swoop
- Shapes: The trademark shape of a Coca-Cola bottle
- Sounds: NBC’s three chimes
- Scents: The classic smell of Chanel No. 5
- Colors: Only one brand of fiberglass has pink insulation
- Taste: Kentucky Fried Chicken’s 11 herbs and spices
- Movements: The trademarked movement of a Lamborghini’s doors
- Target audience personas: The relatable “Pine-Sol lady” of the 1990s
Choosing the Right Name
A company’s success may depend on its name. The right name can instantly communicate a wealth of information about your products, services and values – and it will remain as memorable as a catchy tune. When choosing a name for your new business, consider the following:
Relevance. Before you name your company, develop a clear mission statement. Then use your mission statement to derive the name. Google, for example, got its name from the word googol, which reflects the “infinite” amount of information you can find through the search engine.
Creativity that makes sense. When people hear the name of your business, it should make them smile because it’s clever (not scratch their heads because it doesn’t make sense). Use your company’s name and brand as a tool that empowers.
Uniqueness. Do your homework and make sure the business name you like isn’t already used. This information is simple to find through your respective Secretary of State. Don’t forget to research domain names, or enlist the help of a digital marketing agency, to see if you can create a website based upon your preferred name.
Translations. As you research business names, make sure your favorite isn’t offensive, and consider whether it might mean something in a different language that doesn’t match the image you want to reflect. For example, the Nova by Chevrolet didn’t sell well in Latin America because the phrase “no va” means “doesn’t go” in Spanish.
Developing a Logo
Your company’s logo should make as much sense as its name. When you think of iconic logos, you’ll find that they’re simple, distinctive, practical and communicative. When you design a logo for your company, keep it:
- Simple. The simpler the logo, the easier it is to remember and recognize.
- Timeless. An iconic logo can withstand the test of time.
- Versatile. The colors and graphics you use for a logo should look great in both color and black and white, as well as in any size.
As you develop your logo, don’t forget about the importance of colors and what they communicate. In addition to reflecting your organization’s mission or values, they should also attract your target consumer. Consider how the colors you use will look on items such as uniforms, advertisements, brochures, logos, stationery and business cards.
One of the most important aspects of branding is time. The time it takes for a brand to start sinking in with your customers is about the same amount of time it takes for you to start getting tired of it. If you stay committed to your efforts, you’ll find that your brand will grow in value.
About the Author: This post is courtesy of Cameron Madill, CEO of PixelSpoke. Located in Portland, Oregon, the team at PixelSpoke are website designers specializing in redesigns and digital marketing programs.