With the ever changing and improving role of technology within work place environments, video conferencing has started to become a normal part of everyday working life. This has become ingrained to such an extent that many interviews have started taking place via this form of communication.
Nothing beats a face-to-face interview. How many times have we all thought “as long as I get this interview, I’ve got the job in the bag”? That’s because, when given an opportunity to articulate our skills and potential, we can dazzle prospective employers far better with direct communication than is possible over a CV.

Where does video conferencing come in?
Video conferencing really is the next best thing for this form of communication. You are essentially in the room with the interviewers and able to present yourself in a way not possible during a simple phone call.
If you’re applying for a job for which you may need to relocate, video conferencing is a far cheaper and easier option than taking a long, expensive journey to where the office is based. Likewise, if the role will allow you to work from home for a percentage of the working week, you are able to show how easily you can communicate via these devices. Powwownow recently wrote a blog post about the advantages of video conferencing which has helped bring about the rise in video interviews.
Preparing for a virtual interview
The most important thing you can do to prepare for a video interview is ensure that the technology you’re using is working correctly.
Body language is another important weapon you have. Be prepared to use natural looking expressions. Read about the importance of body language interview secrets that will lead to a successful interview.
What you wear is also as important as it would be within a face-to-face interview. Bright colours, especially white, and busy patterns can disturb the screen, while red and sparkly jewellery will catch the light and interrupt the video. Sticking with a dark suit, just as you would within any other interview, is perhaps the best option.
If you’re using a device at home, ensure that the surrounding background is professional. Choose your home office if possible or somewhere with a plain background. Also ensure there are no interruptions from children, phones, TV or other devices.
Presentation is everything
You may have been asked to prepare a presentation for the interview, so to ensure you make the most of the video conferencing format, remember these important tips:
- Only use graphics which are simple and easy to read
- Use 24-point font for easy readability
- Use a landscape format
- Ensure you have larger margins as the sides will be cut off
Prepare If you are presenting a portfolio, it’s wise to send a copy ahead of the interview for the interviewers to have in front of them as well.
Last-minute tips
The most important thing you can do is relax and treat a video interview like any other interview. Engage and talk as you normally would, and remember that there is a slight delay as images are exchanged.
As long as you are aware of your microphone placement and don’t fidget, your interview will go just as smoothly as any other!