Flavored cereal milk heads to college to meet its one true love, man-children
After only one year on the market, CowWow is all grown up and ready to head to college. In the beginning CowWow was planned to be a drink for children, that Moms could easily throw in diaper bags and lunch bags but as it turns out CowWow belongs to a very different group of kids – college kids. College kids are ready for a drink that they can grab and bring to class; it doesn’t hurt that CowWow is 100% organic and loaded with nine essential vitamins and nutrients.

Most kids grow up sitting at the kitchen table as they are pressed and pressed to finish their milk. President of CowWow, Chris Pouy did not know that his own battle with plain old white milk would inspire him to change professions and create something completely unique.
Chris originally got the idea for CowWow from his grandmother who tried relentlessly to get Chris to drink milk as a child. Chris’ grandmother was fed up with his predisposition towards milk and she knew she had to do something to encourage young Chris to drink his darn milk. So to face down Chris, his grandmother would make cereal, let it soak and then strain the milk. In the end Chris would be left with delicious flavored milk, which he would gulp down.
Chris set out thinking that moms would love a fun milk drink that they could easily toss in a diaper bag, calm their bratty babies and be on their way. Be that as it may, it turned out moms are really difficult to convince that the sugar in milk comes from lactose, not the ingredients added to CowWow.
However as it turned out, the signs for CowWow were there all along. CowWow found themselves being included in one of Jimmy Kimmel’s monologues, in Cosmopolitan magazine, and included in a Buzzfeed story. All of these are not typical baby and small children publications and with the new evidence, Chris knew it was time for a change.
Chris decide it was best to take the risk and let CowWow grow up a little, and since making that decision, CowWow has popped up on Cal Tech, Santa Monica College, Pierce College and Cal State Los Angeles. In most recent news, CowWow is currently being preordered for UCLA.
After CowWow landed in a couple of colleges, they began seeing their numbers soar. With this, Chris decided it was time for a more mature design. In order to send CowWow to college properly, they have now nixed the straw and added a screw top, made their “cartoon cows” a little cooler, increased the size of the carton and named their new flavors with more mature names. The new and more mature CowWow will be available in January 2015. CowWow is sold in over 900 Kroger grocery stores and Chris hopes that CowWow will continue to convince people that milk is the ultimate breakfast food.