If you are the owner or manager of a website, it is imperative in this day and age to make sure that your site works on every possible device. Most web browsing is now done either on a mobile phone, or a tablet, replacing the standard web browser. If your website is not suitable for these devices, you run the risk of losing potential customers. To keep this from happening, you will want to make use of mobile and responsive design techniques.

With mobile design, you are essentially creating a new layout for your website that will work on small mobile phone screens. Responsive design on the other hand is when your current design essentially shrinks down and fits properly on tablet screens.
Here are three reasons why you want to employ one of these techniques for your website.
1. Faster
Us human beings have short attention spans. If a website does not load in the first couple of seconds, many of us will give up on it and try another site. Websites that load too slowly are more likely to lose visitors, and therefore lose potential business. In addition, Google takes into account how fast a page loads when determining where it will show up on its search rankings. A slow loading page could bump your site down to the second page of results, where a lot less people are going to find it.
In order to have a fast load time, you want a site that is optimized for the device the visitor is using. This means using either a mobile design or a responsive design.
2. Long Lasting
Mobile devices are here to stay. According to Modiphy.com, a Baton Rouge SEO, online marketing company, it is not inconceivable to think that as the years go by, more and more searching and web browsing will be completed through mobile devices. This means that if you take the time to make your website mobile-friendly now, you will be able to reap the benefits for at least the next several years.
By choosing a responsive design strategy, you are creating less work for yourself in the future, as this type of design will adjust itself to any type of screen or device.

3. Easier To Manage
Lastly, having a responsive design site makes everything easier to manage. Instead of having separate pages that load when someone visits from a mobile device, all visitors will be seeing the same pages. This means that you only need to have one SEO campaign, and one copy of each page to manage.
If you want to make a change to your site, you only have to make it once. Managing a website is enough work as it is without having to manage several different copies of the same site. Make your life easier and use a responsive design technique.
As you can see, there are a lot of benefits to using a mobile or responsive design technique with your website. If you wish to develop an effective web design strategy, this is the way to go for the 21st Century. Designing a website is all about user experience, and making sure your website is optimized for the devices they are using is the best way to do this.