Today’s entrepreneurs have a lot of i’s to dot and t’s to cross. The environment is complicated, to say the least, and entrepreneurs have various methods, ideas, tactics, and techniques to grow their business.
Frankly, the modern small business landscape is pretty bewildering, and there are several really important things entrepreneurs need to know and realize about how the Internet is changing the way we live. Entrepreneurs need to possess the technical skills to move their business forward in the digital age. Take a look at these skills today’s entrepreneur should work hard to master.

Entrepreneurs need to manage their time and not give up when the going gets tough – but there are some other things they need to know and do. Entrepreneurs need to possess the technical skills to move their business forward in the digital age. Take a look at there skills today’s entrepreneur should work hard to master.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO is more important than ever, and so many people veer into one of two opposites. One extreme is neglecting SEO – some marketers take this approach because they feel the algorithms can figure out what your site is about and get users to your business page. This is wrong though – to experience online success, it’s crucial to target user intent and optimize a site’s SEO.
The other extreme is doing SEO incorrectly. Outdated SEO tactics will prevent users from even finding your website. That’s why it’s essential to know the basics of SEO and stay current – make it a point to know things like how app indexing is changing the SEO world — and act on them to help your business achieve online success.
Social Media
Since most of us already have a presence on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, we have shortened the learning curve. However, when it comes to maximizing these social networks for our businesses, there is still some ground to cover.
Social media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon — probably ever. Entrepreneurs need to know social media well, roll with it as it evolves, and recognize its power and potential for business.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Conversion rate optimization is the process of converting more visitors of your website into customers so you get more sales and revenue. The reason why conversion is important is pretty obvious, so make it a point to better your website so it encourages users to take action, or make a purchase, resulting in business growth.
This should be one of your most utilized tactics in your marketing collection. All you need is a solid understanding of your customers, the ability to work with your existing data to come up with some actionable tactics, and make it a point to run split tests to find out which variation converts more visitors.
Content Marketing
Content marketing has blown up in the last few years and is now a $200+ billion dollar industry – and hasn’t stopped growing. Great content marketers have a written strategy and follow it closely. The most successful approaches include the use of an array of tactics and social media platforms.
There are zero signs of content marketing weakening, and entrepreneurs can experience success if they learn to embrace this marketing method.
Many of the most successful entrepreneurs are also really good writers. Entrepreneurial success and the ability to write complement one another because it adds to marketing power. Great writers can create great content that, in turn, generates loyal customers.
Plus, entrepreneurs are constantly writing – emails, proposals, guest articles, and more. Learning this skill can benefit your business in a myriad ways.
User Experience
The user experience is improving user satisfaction by bettering the accessibility and pleasure between the user and the product.
User experience is the blood life of SEO, CRO and content marketing. If you learn the why and how of user experience, you can drive your business to new levels of success.
Facebook, Uber and many other businesses have achieved their extraordinary growth partially from a strong user experience strategy.
Email Marketing
While this has been a focus for the past decade, it really is one of the most effective methods of marketing out there. One of the reasons why it is still hugely successful is due to the increase of mobile users. Think about how much more frequently you check messages, and how you check them – on your phone, right?
Entrepreneurs need to combine content marketing methods with a growing email list and user experience to create powerful and successful marketing methods.
Some additional knowledge about these skills will help you on your path to success. It’s not vital you master each and every one, but it is good to grasp their importance, know the basics, access their return on investment, and benchmark their successes.
What other technical skills do you think we should add to this list?