To survive in business today you have to be very smart in the way you manage your finances and resources. If you have a business that relies on vehicles whether it’s for your staff travel requirements or transportation of goods for trade in a B2B model or delivering products to the end customer in a B2C model its equally important to have a reliable vehicle management process.
Whether you are a new start-up or an established business financing a business is the most important backbone for every company no matter how big or small. The key areas you will invest in is people and resources for operations.
The cost and time associated with having a vehicle to a fleet is easily scalable and becomes more cost effective as you grow.
Company cars
Although online communications and public transport is a very good and flexible option it doesn’t always win the business. You will find its more efficient and effective to drive directly to a remote destination and make it back to base and follow up on it on the same day rather than using 2-3 public transport mediums with restricted options and factoring in expected delays.
Providing a company car to your employees serves not only a hassle free decision but a rewarding one to the individual and you can save a great deal of money by exploring car leasing options with broker agencies. The choice of cars available on the market on contract hire is very diverse and you will be all means find something to suit your budget and business requirements to make you comfortable enough to commit.
If your business includes services involving transportation of goods, then this is a key area of investment which requires smart financial planning. Investment in this case could mount to a large sum and can be seen as a potential risk factor or less efficient use of the money in the bank.
If you’re business makes use of vans or trucks on occasional days or if you can plan a period of time when you will need such a specialist vehicle such as refrigerate van or a long wheel base van to transport goods to one-off event, then considering van hire options could be more cost-effective.
Should your business me busy enough to make use of a van on a more regular basis than opting for a contract hire van is a smart option as you will save in the long term. This doesn’t only benefit you financially but also practically as you will have access to a van 24/7 taking away the hassle to look for availability elsewhere.

Fleet Management
Vehicles can be seen as a potential asset to the business as they could heavily contribute operations of the business becoming reliant as you grow. If the vehicles are used heavily the maintenance and downtime involved in unexpected scenarios could prove to be a huge risk element of the business operations.
This is where fleet management plays an import role so if you’re looking for a company to provide you with a contract hire term you want to make sure that the vehicles are regularly serviced, maintained and replaced to cover any downtime of your operation.
If you have a niche requirement of a specialist vehicle such as a private hire licensed taxi vehicles or a self-employed black cab driver, then it makes perfect business sense to acquire or rent your vehicle with a maintenance service. There are companies like Nationwide Assist who provide a dedicated service for specialist taxi vehicles.
Accident Management
In the unlikely and inconvenient event of an accident if you don’t have a contact with an accident management company that can provide a like for like replacement vehicle then you could be in potential trouble. These situations could come in various scenarios that could be solved in a few days or fragged on for months. In the latter case you would ideally want to deal with a company that can instantly replace your vehicle so you can continue with your business operations and take up all the hassle with handling your claim should you represent a non-fault case.