If you have found yourself feeling sluggish and not as productive as you could be, you may well wish to start adding more fruit and veg to your diet.
A study carried out by Fruitful Office showed that eating more fruit and vegetables can boost productivity by 10%. 80% of those questioned said that the provision of free fruit and veg at work had made the working day better, with 70% of them saying they had continued to eat more fruit after being given the free products. 45% said their consumption of unhealthy snacks had reduced, and 80% said the free fruit and veg had made them feel healthier. A third said they felt more alert, and nearly half claimed to feel more energetic.
What kind of food?
Let’s look at some examples of the best fruit and veg to eat for concentration.
Tomatoes can play a pivotal role in brain health and can help us avoid diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s. When tomatoes are cooked, they provide higher levels of Lypocene, helping us to fight diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and more.
Broccoli has potassium, which helps us to boost the quality of the brain and is renowned for aiding brain injury victims as are cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
Avocados can help us avoid blood clots in the brain and are also great sources of potassium. Lentil are also highly-regarded when it comes to enabling blood to reach the brain. The antioxidants in eggplants help protect cell membranes and offer vast amounts of vitamins B1 and K as well as folate, potassium and fibre. Spinach is famous for boosting cognitive functions and releases dopamine to keep us upbeat and capable of combating the tasks we are faced with. Lutein is found in spinach and helps to slow down cognitive decline whilst increasing brain tissue.
Beetroot includes nitrates which boost circulation to the brain and can significant improve our performance and energy levels. Meanwhile, carrots are known for restoring memory and being a remarkable source of lutein. Bananas are famed for helping us get the sleep we need to be productive during the daytime and contain tryptophan, which enhances serotonin levels. Blueberries have gallic acid that enables us to ward off stress and mental degeneration. They have large amounts of vitamins C and K as well as fibre, and they are noted for battling free radicals, which means they can help our brains perform impressively in our old age.
You may be surprised to see just how easy it becomes to incorporate more and more fruit and vegetables into your diet once you have made a modest start with consuming them. More and more companies are ordering fruit and veg for their staff because of the way they help us feel more productive.
Fruit and veg can play an exceptional role in helping us focus, and they can also help us avoid a large number of unwanted conditions. They can help us avoid a catalogue of problems including diabetes, strokes, mental degeneration, bone loss, kidney stones, high blood pressure, obesity and many more.
It’s vital that we don’t underestimate the value of fruit and veg in keeping us happy and healthy.