Doing Business in the Digital Age: Top Marketing Tactics to Engage in

If you’re thinking about playing in the competitive Internet landscape, you’ve got to have a targeted plan at the outset of making this decision. Identifying the methods that you will engage in on a regular basis is crucial, because it can help to drive further decision about the employees or contractors you need to hire and how you’ll divide your time over the course of the day.

Digital business

The most successful digital marketing tactics available today include SEO, paid ads, social media, and content marketing.


It’s clear that SEO is still king, alongside content, in 2017 and beyond. More people than ever are turning to the Internet to research their options before making a purchase decision about a service or a product. This means that you must meet them where they’re at and have content on your website that is both static, in the form of pages, and dynamic, in the form of a blog, that helps to draw them in.

SEO tells search engines about the quality and regularity of your website and can help to signal that your site is a valuable home for people who are looking for a specific type of information.

Paid ads

If you already know the content on your site is great, but you’re simply having a problem getting ideal traffic there, paid ads are crucial. Paid ads, when directed to an appropriate landing page, can help to convert interested onlookers to paying customers more quickly. Paid ads should always be optimized appropriately, after a careful evaluation of what you intend to encourage the customer to do. Making the right selection by choosing the various paths that a person can follow is critical.

For example, a person clicking on a paid ad is unlikely to drop $1000 on a service without more careful introspection, but a lower priced product or service, when driven to a specific landing page and giving them a limited time offer, however, could lead to much better traction. Also be sure to target product to the right audience. “Be sure to segment your campaigns depending on the number and type of products you offer,” says Yorgo Petsas of Alensa LTD.

Digital marketing specialists

Social media

It goes without saying that you can’t engage with your customers unless you’re active on social media. Having a social media presence that allows you to share all of your content marketing and SEO effort also shows that you are a viable business and desire to engage with your customers regularly.

Choosing the social media channels most relevant for your marketplace involves thinking about where your customers spend their time. You don’t need to spread yourself thin by appearing on every social media channel available if it’s not leading to a return on investment for you.

Content marketing

If you’re not creating your own content to market your company, there’s no reason to wait any longer. Content marketing involves developing materials, such as blogs, whitepapers, infographics, and more, that are directly aligned with your ideal customer. “We know consumers have a lot of questions about our products, that’s why we make sure the information is al readily available while they’re shopping” says Alex Pina of

You can answer key questions or address top concerns that your customers have and cement yourself as a marketplace leader. When you position yourself as an expert with the relevant knowledge for your ideal target market, they are much more likely to choose to do business with you in the future, particularly when these efforts have the dual benefit of increasing your search engine rankings.

If you use all of these tactics together in sync, your business will see sustainable growth and exposure. Which is your favorite of all of these? Drop a comment below!