This might sound ridiculous to some but it’s actually possible to improve your credit score. It is also possible to prevent it from dropping terribly low in the first place as well. Many are skeptical because they have had the misfortune of having to deal with bad credit early on without knowing the precise reasons for this ultimate consequence.
Despite that, we are going to go over some important tips that will allow you to improve and preserve your credit score, so that you might be able to go about your affairs without getting blocked every step of the way by a bad credit and distrustful creditors and third parties.
1. Find as much information as you can
First thing first: You need to seek help, and you need to do it right now. “I’ll do it tomorrow” is a good mantra for jeopardizing your personal financial future. Fortunately, help can be found anywhere online, and it would cost you – nothing. You job is to find the right resources. You can view the best websites here to start your search.
2. Watch out for loan debt
It’s understandable how you might be focused on your credit card balance at the moment, since you want to improve your credit score, but don’t make the mistake of forgetting or overlooking your debt and loan balances either. These are fundamentally important to how your credit score is calculated in the sense that having either debt or loan balance will negatively inflict consequences on your credit score. That’s obviously not something you would want so it’s best to keep these aspects in line of sight at all times so they don’t sneak up on you and catch you off guard later on.
3. Think twice before closing out any old credit cards
Closing old credit cards also has an impact on your credit score. You see, when a credit card reaches a 10 year or longer period since inception, it is considered old and will no longer be sending reports to the bureau regarding your credit.
This might sound like a relatively good thing but it isn’t really because any long lasting credit history that you might have had will remain unchecked and it will basically have a negative on your credit score, which will undoubtedly go down as a result.
4. Don’t go past 30%
Your credit card might have a limit but you should never even get close to that limit if you want your credit score to remain up high. That’s because reports are sent in before the new statements arrive and that ultimately means that even if you pay your credit in full come the new statement, it will still register as a high credit unfortunately.
Keeping it at or below 30% will ensure that your credit score won’t suffer as a result, as it would if you would max out your credit card or even worse, go above your limits.
5. Stay informed
This is probably one of the most important tips we can give you, simply because it is crucial to the success of any of your future endeavors. If you want to succeed in controlling and managing your credit score, you need to know what that number is comprised of.
There are many things that are thrown into the pot when they calculate your credit score, and you need to be aware of all of them if you want to always come out on top.