Are you looking for an inexpensive way to create a more productive, engaging, healthy work space? The atmosphere of your office plays a huge role in company culture, mood, and productivity. To create an environment where ideas flourish and projects get done, you should make sure that your lighting is up to par.
No worries, I’m here to reveal how energy efficient lighting can help accomplish all of that while saving you money!

1. Energy Efficiency
Halogen lights transform only 10% of energy into light—the other 90% is wasted as heat energy. LED bulbs are an incredible type of energy efficient lighting. They create no heat and use only 15% of the energy a halogen uses. Making the switch will also drastically reduce how often you change bulbs. An incandescent may last 1,000 hours, while a much more energy efficient LED can last 25,000 hours.
2. Boost Productivity
We’ve all worked in the office that had dim lighting, and the way it affected employee performance was clear. Poor lighting creates disgruntled employees because it pulls us away from our natural habitat. Even in an office with no windows, we know it’s bright and sunny outside. A lack of proper light upsets our circadian rhythm, promoting grogginess. Energy efficient lighting enhances moods, improves energy and concentration, and promotes motivation and commitment.
TIP: By enhancing the level of bluish-white light in the room, you can raise energy levels. However, if you’re creating an area where employees can go to calm down and relax, such as a break room, use warm, low-intensity lightning.
3. Save the Environment
While it may be the last thing on many people’s mind when they upgrade to energy efficient lighting, it may very well be the most important. LED bulbs are proven to have less impact on the environment and emit less carbon dioxide than their counterparts. You’ll replace 25 incandescent bulbs for every single LED bulb, so you’ll reduce waste and maintenance fees.
4. Reduce Costs
Finally, when you consider all of the great qualities of energy efficient lighting, the cost-savings is the big icing on the cake. You’ll substantially reduce utility costs with LED lights, saving as much as 45%, and that’s before you consider replacement bulbs.