Tips for Making Flexible Working for the Senior PA Benefit Everyone

In a constantly changing workplace, more and more employers are supporting flexible working for all staff where possible. This also extends to the Senior PA who could traditionally be found wherever the boss was. Attic recruitment took a look at flexible working for the Senior PA and how it can work for everyone. Here’s what they found…

Modern technology supports remote working

In a bygone era when the phone was plugged into the wall, the computer was a big machine that wasn’t transportable and the PA had to be on hand for instant dictation, it was necessary for employees to be close at hand in an office environment at all times.

Nowadays with more people seeking a better work-life balance, there are so many technology advancements that make this possible. The mobile phone, email, dictation apps and laptop allow most tasks to be done remotely, even from a handheld device.

How a remote PA can benefit everyone

Attitudes to flexible working hours are changing

Along with technology, attitudes are also changing. In order to keep employees switched on, loyal, motivated and more likely to stay with a company, flex-time and remote working are not only supported but often encouraged. This is great news for the working mother or father. In other words, the person seeking an improved work life balance, or anyone that doesn’t see the need to travel through rush hour traffic and waste hours of their day sat in a car or on a train.

Saves plenty of time and increases productivity.

Let’s imagine that you work in the city and you spend 90 minutes at each end of the day traveling to and from work. That’s 3 hours that could be spent doing other things. By starting earlier and finishing later, the employee spends less time stuck in commuter traffic, and more time at work. This also allows for more free time to spend on personal things — for you too — because you don’t need to be in the office to manage them. By the same token if the PA works a day from home, how much more effective could they be if they could just get up and start work without leaving the house?

An employee has the right to have their request considered

There are laws that support an employee’s right to request flexible working hours which were extended in 2014. As long as the employee has been with a company for 26 weeks or more, they have the right to request flexible working, and to have that request considered. For most employers though, it makes sense to be able to offer this arrangement to all employees regardless of laws or time served.

Making flexible working for the Senior PA beneficial for all

Making it work for you

If you’re the boss with a PA that wants to work flex-time, it’s a good idea to explore the practicalities mentioned above. Not everyone is motivated enough to be able to work at home and find it a distraction, but many others actually prefer more flexible working hours.

In order for it to be productive and agreeable to all involved, it’s important to lay out firm rules and expectations from the outset.


It may come as no surprise that many companies now offer flex-time, remote working and additional holidays as the norm rather than the exception. If you are a Senior PA looking for more flexible working hours then there are plenty of companies that offer this option. For employers that still run a regimented work day schedule, this modern concept is something that’s well worth exploring both from a legal stand point and as a route to greater productivity.