Expanding? A Brief Guide To Hiring Your First Employee

Is your small business finally ready to hire someone? Congrats! When it comes to hiring your first employee, what do you need to keep in mind? We explain it here – read on.

Hiring new employee

Are you a small business owner who’s finally ready to hire an employee?


When it comes to expanding your business and hiring your first employee, you may be wondering exactly how to do it. Check out this brief guide to hiring new employees.

1. Make Sure You’re Ready to Hire

First things first, make sure that you’re actually ready to hire your first employee. It’s easy to get excited and jump in head first, but if your business isn’t ready for an employee, consider waiting.

For starters, you need to be sure that your business is financially stable enough to pay an employee. Aside from paying their salary, you will also have expenses in the form of background checks, advertising, and taxes. If your business isn’t bringing in enough, you may consider waiting.

Another thing to consider is what role this employee will play. Are you wanting to take your business in a new direction or to the next level and need someone with expertise? Hiring someone to play a specific role to help grow your business can be beneficial.

2. What Are Your Legal Obligations as an Employer?

When you’re checking off your list on how to hire employees, you need to be sure that you know your legal obligations. For example, you will need:

  • an employment eligibility verification form (Form I-9)
  • an employee identification number
  • records of employee taxes
  • workers compensation insurance
  • unemployment insurance tax registration

Hiring employees comes with a lot of responsibility, so it’s important to adhere to all state and federal regulations. You’ll also want to know how you plan to pay your employees. Consider https://www.thepaystubs.com/create-stub for help with your business pay stubs.

3. What Does the Employee’s Role Entail?

When it comes to knowing how to hire an employee, you need to be crystal clear on what their role will entail. What specific tasks will this employee be responsible for? Will they be handling marketing, customer service, or sales? Create a detailed job description that includes their daily tasks, skills, desired experience, and any physical requirements.

You will also want to be clear on the salary and type of employee that you’re looking to hire. Will this be a seasonal, part-time, or full-time position. Let potential candidates also know of any perks or incentives that will be available.

Interviewing new employee candidate

4. Know How You Plan to Screen Candidates

When you’re hiring employees, you need to make sure that you know how you plan to screen the candidates. Will you be doing drug screens? Over 65% of workplace accidents are the result of the misuse of drugs or alcohol.

Will you expect candidates to undergo skills testing or background checks? You should know exactly how you’ll be screening candidates to ensure you find the right match.

5. Interview and Hire Your First Employee!

Now, the exciting part: interviewing and hiring your first employee. You have all your ducks in a row and you interviewed all your prospects. Now you get to choose the right person to add to your team. Welcome your new employee with a successful onboarding process.

Hiring Your First Employee

Hiring your first employee is an exciting time in any business owner’s life. Once you know you’re ready to hire someone, follow these steps to make the process seamless.

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