Start Getting More People To Follow You On Instagram

You may hear people talking about some of the different ways to get followers on Instagram without paying for them. Upon reviewing millions of different posts from the social media site, HubSpot and Mention were able to compose a list of tips that are useful for those looking to get plenty of new followers while increasing engagement and getting more than enough shares and likes on the content they are posting.

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Several trends were observed during the analysis of millions of posts that came from some of the most popular Instagram users. These trends could help anyone have more success on the social media site.

Whether you would like to become an influencer or have a business that you would like to get more exposure by using Instagram, you can use the findings to your advantage. After the reports came back, it was clear that tagging a bunch of people in posts did nothing when it came to increasing engagement among followers. Those that love using the tag feature should consider putting a stop to the habit.

The posts that seemed to get the most comments were video posts. It is no surprise since many people enjoy watching short stories and live streams that come from some of their favourite influencers, friends, and loved ones. If you would like to do well on Instagram, you can benefit from taking the following approach:

Add Some Video Content

You should start posting regularly and try to put up plenty of video content. The videos are getting the views, so if you want the views, you need to offer exactly what the consumers want to see.

Instagram stories are huge and people see them when they first view a page or even their feed. Focusing on this can really help grow an account and one of the best but controversial ways to kick things off is to buy Instagram Story Views. This will make the account seem popular and have positive long term benefits.

Use Hashtags Correctly

You can still use hashtags and benefit from them, but you do not need to go crazy with them. Some people make the common mistake of using dozens of hashtags for one single post, which is overkill. Use the right keywords with hashtags and only use a few at a time. If you are spamming the content with hashtags, you can cause more harm than good.

If you have been experiencing a bit of trouble with trying to get more followers on Instagram, you should not feel like you are alone because there is a lot of competition on the popular social networking platform. Even so, it is better to have fewer followers with more engagement than to have more followers with hardly any engagement, so do keep that in mind. Nearly half of the people using Instagram have less than 1000 followers.

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When you want to get more followers, you need to take an honest approach. You might think about taking shortcuts that seem simple and easy, but they will work against you in the long run. Those that use Instagram like to follow companies and people that are honest, sincere, and interesting.