Since its inception in 1992, Market America has provided unmatched, entrepreneurial opportunities for middle-class individuals. They believe that integrity and prosperity are intertwined, and the company culture reflects that. UnFranchise Owners (UFO’s) across the world enjoy working with and growing in their partnership with the company.
With Market America’s innovative tracking system and digital aggregation, the company has assisted consumers around the world in wielding their collective buying power, in a positive way.
Marketplace Ethics & Standards
UnFranchise Owners report that they feel they are in safe hands owning a business with Market America, as they have been shown by the top experts in the field of business, the Better Business Bureau, to display top standards and ethics in their practices.
In 2013 and 2018, they were the proud recipient of the Better Business Torch Award, for Business for Marketplace Ethics, which is the most prestigious award the Better Business Bureau can present. Recipients of an award of this type of caliber must exhibit the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and transparency to the BBB. They must also demonstrate these principles and integrate these standards into daily practices.
UnFranchise Owners place their trust in these practices and say that they see these standards of integrity to be implemented in their work with Market America daily.
Product Standards
Market America supplies products such as Isotonix supplements that have advanced formulas designed to give your body the maximum benefit from vitamins and minerals. According to research, all products sold through Market America must pass not one, but two tiers of quality-controlled inspections before they are shipped to any consumers.
UnFranchise Owners specializing in nutraMetrix supplements report that it is a relief to know that their valued customers are guaranteed the highest quality products for their overall health and wellness needs. All facilities containing products meant for UnFranchise stores are inspected by administrations around the world, including the Federal Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, and the Australian Therapeutic-Goods Administration. Each batch of products is tested for purity, potency, and potential contaminants.
When shipments are ready, they are carefully inspected by Market America upon delivery. All paperwork is finely checked, including the Certificate of Analysis, Manufacturing Records, Lot Numbers, and Shipping Docs. The product is then tested at the Market America labs and validated. It is only released after meeting strict specifications from the labs.
According to UFO’s, this instills confidence that guaranteed quality products are sent to their customers from a company that is committed to excellence in its products.

Industry Recognition
In 2010, Market America acquired SHOP.COM, an online comparison shopping engine provider that was backed by Bill Gates. When SHOP.COM was purchased it was the consumer-facing side of things. Now, as it offers cash-back to its customers, it has become one of the top e-commerce sites in the world. When a customer goes to the site and visits one of the stores, they are given cash-back as an incentive.
Many consumers say that in this way they feel compelled to keep shopping, and UnFranchise Owners feel that this groundbreaking concept brings in customers and gets them to spend money like never before.
In addition, SHOP.COM has been recognized repeatedly as a leader in the online commerce and business world. It has been ranked high in the largest online marketplace by the 2019 Top Retailer Top 100 List. It is ranked 11th in Newsweek Magazine’s 2020 Best Online Shops. Market America and SHOP.COM received Triad Business Journal’s 2019 “Fast 50” award as one of the top privately-held companies for sustained growth, driving the local economy in Greensboro, NC, Market America’s parent location. This marked the 14th time the company was awarded this prestigious award from the Triad Business Journal.
Newsweek working with Statista, an online statistics database, ranked the top 1,000 online shops across eight industries and 39 categories in order to create a ranking of the very best online shopping experiences. Out of all of the online shops across the globe, SHOP.COM ranked number 11 in the “Universal Provider- General” category, alongside other large and trusted corporations such as Target, Walmart, Costco, Sam’s Club, and Amazon. This prestigious ranking speaks very highly to the company’s high-tech, high-touch user experience, and makes many UnFranchise Owners proud to be a part of this company and experience.
Media Coverage
Because of these awards, the media is also taking notice of what Market America, SHOP.COM, and many UnFranchise owners are saying in regards to them taking the opportunity to grow and thrive through exciting connections as they channel their best entrepreneurial efforts through a studied and proven business model.
An in-depth article from analyzed the shopping annuity model that makes SHOP.COM so successful. In the article, it was reported that this business design is, in fact, successful because customers naturally enjoy earning money purchasing everyday items. This shows that the media is taking notice and understands that entrepreneurs are making a living and thriving in both their business and personal lives through this lucrative and life-affirming endeavor with Market America and SHOP.COM.
JR Ridinger, Market America and SHOP.COM’s founder, chairman, and CEO told News & Record in a recent interview, “From its inception, we knew we had an idea whose time had come. We knew we had a business model that empowered ordinary people to realistically succeed and achieve their goals.”
Many UnFranchise Owners testify that they can speak frankly about how simply Market America has changed their lives with hard work, patience, trust, honesty, and transparency in business practices. Many state that they were burned out with their office jobs, and seeking something more than what the traditional workforce had to offer. They claim that they were exhausted from working towards others’ financial success, and not their own. Their families were in debt, and with some time and thought, they were ready to make the change, work hard, and get out from where they once were to somewhere better. Market America has given many people around the world the tools they need to piece-by-piece build something great.

Market America: A Story of Hard Work, Innovation, and Inspiration
In Greensboro, NC in the early 1990s, there was virtually no industry to speak of. Four individuals decided to hatch an idea that would give birth to a global empire. JR Ridinger and his future wife, Loren had an idea that would launch an empire. Together along with Loren’s two brothers, Marc and Steve Ashley, they decided to bank on the proposal that while individuals hate being sold to, they love to shop. They made the decision to start a database in order to keep track of what everyone who shops were looking to buy, source it out at a better price, and eliminate the extra layers of distribution, inventory, and warehousing. Loren says she credits her now husband’s vision for the future of where shopping was headed and gives him credit to the success of their venture.
Marc Ashley was only 18 years old at the time and a freshman at college when the company began. Instead of heading to fraternity parties with friends during this time, he would stay up late after classes packing up boxes and fulfilling orders. His brother, Steve, was only 13 years old. He said he would get picked up from middle school, and head over to the office, due to his insatiable desire to be a part of the newly created Market America. During this time, the team would fulfill around five to 10 orders at a time. Money was tight but Steve’s older brother and sister would take him once a week to pick out baseball cards at the local shop around the corner. This strong family dynamic has stayed in place as the business has grown, and can be felt in the company’s culture. This family has stuck together through thick and thin, and to this day honors one another while succeeding together in a fast-paced, e-commerce world.
Good Business Practices VS. Bad Business Practices
Sadly, there are those in the world who attempt to self-promote and profit from successful businesses, while at the same time tearing them down out of jealousy and spite. The practice of using a successful companies name for self-promotion is known as “name hijacking”. It happens when an individual or company abuses Google search results to manipulate what appears when someone searches for a company name or product.
The real purpose of these name hijackers is to attract traffic to their own sites so they can advertise and sell their own goods and services, mixed with lies and content that tears down a company to get search engine awareness. Name hijacking tends to work because prominent companies are listed in search results when mixed with words like “scam” or “legitimate”. A person is inclined to click on results like this out of curiosity, as people are naturally attracted to negativity and gossip. It is simply human nature and some might actually call links like this “clickbait”. This action then causes links like this to appear high in Google’s search results and can ruin good companies’ reputations.
However, these sites do not have credibility, and can be quickly disproven when talking about Market America and their business model. When a user googles “Market America”, there are a plethora of these sites diverting them to domains promising the “truth” about Market America, and then attempting to sell books, online courses, or other shady get-rich-quick schemes that are, in fact, pyramid schemes. Research pointedly shows that consumers should not trust in the name-hijacking of companies like Market America.
Upon research, you will see that Market America actually has a long history and reputation for being honest, hard-working, and transparent with its business owners, keeping focus on what’s best for all of its UnFranchise Business Owners.
Indisputable Facts
Pyramid schemes are known to be unstable business models that promise great riches to all, but fail to deliver as top-level members recruit new members without adding real value or services. Pyramid schemes are completely illegal. Routinely, the Better Business Bureau works with the Federal Trade Commission to shut down underhanded businesses who take money away from hardworking individuals who have put their money, time, and trust into something that will do nothing but scam them. Market America has been proven by data and facts to not be a pyramid scheme. Independent distributors, called UnFranchise Owners, only earn commissions on retail sales. Market America is known, rather, as a dimaryp model, or the opposite of a pyramid or pyramid spelled backwards “dimaryp”. Market America helps its UFOs to rise to the top.
The vast majority of pyramid schemes rely on profiting from recruitment fees and seldom involve the sale of actual goods or services with intrinsic value. This is the opposite of what many say they experienced with Market America. UnFranchise Owners sell real and profitable goods to customers, and UnFranchise Owners make money based on what they sell. There is no recruitment at any part of the process, and UnFranchise Owners are reported to remain focused on building the best business for themselves and their families.
Pyramid schemes are illegal in many countries throughout the world, including the USA where Market America is based. The model of profiting by using the network effect often traps individuals into recruiting their acquaintances, which can feel slimy for everyone involved and can ultimately strain relationships. Market America has only strengthened relationships as UnFranchise Owners are able to relay their achievements and guide others gently toward exciting opportunities of their own, without any pressure or recruitment on any end. It’s important to note that all future business owners should exercise caution with any business ventures they feel uncomfortable with or simply avoid them altogether.
If you are someone who has always been passionate about health and wellness, there is an exciting opportunity through Market America to help others live their best lives through nutraMetrix, a product that is available to sell in UnFranchise stores through Market America. nutraMetrix reports that they provide ideal products for health professionals and consumers while offering them cutting-edge tools to customize their patients’ nutritional needs. These products are loved by those who are passionate about health and wellness. From general health to age-related concerns, weight management, and children’s health, these products offer something for every stage of life.
Many professionals with backgrounds in the healthcare industry report from personal experience that patients today live in a fast-paced world filled with so many toxic burdens like extra stress, polluted air, chemicals, and many unhealthy food choices. nutraMetrix is proud to assist in customers taking charge of their patients’ health and wellbeing by offering effective vitamin and mineral supplements that will help them feel healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and slow down the aging process.
Business Building
UnFranchise Owners have maximum access to tools to help them achieve greatness with Market America. No one ever said that achieving financial independence was easy, but it is possible with hard work and the tools that Market America provides, alongside a proven system of success. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary people say that they are constantly building their own financial and entrepreneurial success through the UnFranchise business model. The success is so great that many of those individuals have reportedly become millionaires.
Market America provides UnFranchise Owners tools such as their Getting Started Guide, a virtual mentor to guide UnFranchise Owners along each step of the way, senior and experienced business partners, and standardized training. All UnFranchise Owners are required to take the New UnFranchise Owner Training, Basic 5 Training and Executive Coordinator Certification Training to learn how to implement the system properly, yielding the best results for their business.
UnFranchise Owners are guided through each detailed step of the training process to ensure payoff and create success from the comfort of their own homes.