Influencers are very much where it’s at in the modern world and they are being used by big and small companies all over the world to help create solid brands and to get their products out there. Our friend Mack Prioleau has seen this first hand through his Instagram page, and we are bombarded daily with people looking to get Mack to mention their products or their brand on his channel.
It is very interesting how people go about this and so many seemingly just do it the wrong way. If you have a brand or a business and you want influencers to work with you, here is what you need to be doing.
1. Personal
You have no idea the number of messages which we get from people who have done nothing more than look at the number of followers that Mack has got and then got in touch. Instagrammers love their community and they are only going to promote something which they really believe in, at least in the main, I appreciate there are some out there who’ll do whatever it takes for money, most aren’t like this.
A personalised message is what you need to send here which indicates that you have checked out someone’s profile and decided that they are the right person for you and your product. If you are just pitching to accounts with high followers you are not going to get traction.
2. Offering
Unless your business produces the very best product in your industry, you are going to have come strong with what you are offering the Instagrammer. Some of the things which people have offered Mack for a mention have been completely bizarre, and this is one of the most common reasons why we either don’t write back or why we straight up ignore people.
Offering a free product is great if that is what they are going to be promoting, or offering cash is even better. Unless you have some killer third option, these are the safest bets for you to stick to.

3. Relationship
What most people like Mack are looking for is for business relationships with the companies that they are touting. Sure they may accept some cash for a plug of a great looking product, but given that they won’t overload their own Instagram page with promotional material, they would much prefer to be working with the same company multiple times.
You would think that companies would want the same thing but the large majority give the appearance that this is a one-time thing, a quick transaction and then they will move on to other things, this is not what the large majority of Instagrammers are looking for; they want more than that.
If you have fallen into any of the traps which we have detailed in this piece then that is why you are not attracting enough high-value Instagrammers.