What’s a quick and easy way busy leaders can stay on top of industry news?
These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at yec.co.
1. Google News
Google News does a great job of keeping me in the loop on all the new developments in my industry. I have certain keywords I search for when I want to find out about something specific, but I’ve also benefited greatly from the curated list Google makes based on my recent browsing history.
– Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights
2. Google Trends
Use the Google Trends tool to see what leaders and consumers within your industry are searching for over time. Not only will this provide plenty of high-traffic content creation ideas, but it will also provide insight into what the hot-button topics are within your niche. Sort by “Rising” to find breakout topics that are just emerging. If you notice something unusual, Google it to read up on the topic.
– Amine Rahal, IronMonk Solutions
3. Industry Publications
I subscribe to a variety of industry and market newsletters. They arrive in my inbox regularly, so I’m updated on what’s going on around me. I make a point of subscribing to ones that have different delivery schedules, so I’m not always getting the same news from all sources. They’re easy to read when I’m on the go, so I can use those dead spaces of work time more effectively.
– Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster
4. Podcasts
Nowadays, there’s a podcast for everything. You can free up your hands and still stay informed on the latest news by regularly listening to relevant industry podcasts. That way, you can listen on your way to work or during your lunch break so you have all the latest information before your next meeting.
– Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

5. Thought Leaders
Every industry and business area has thought leaders with original and helpful ideas. These people are on top of the latest news and share it through podcasts and social media. Look for thought leaders and subscribe to them to get the latest and most relevant industry news.
6. Twitter Lists
Create and follow a list of industry insiders on Twitter. It is the fastest way to stay on top of the news, even if you only have time for quick headlines. You can bookmark articles to review when you have more time. Best not to be caught off-guard in industry meetings or by clients regarding current industry trends or news. This Twitter strategy safeguards against that.
7. Curated Newsletters
By picking one to three curated newsletters, you will get the most relevant news straight to your inbox in intervals that you select. Some are daily, while others can be weekly or even once per month. The best curators are simply aggregators that can condense relevant news into a newsletter that can typically be consumed in five minutes. This saves you time while making sure you are informed.
– Jared Polites, LaunchTeam
8. Blogs
Relevant industry blogs can keep you on top of the news game, especially if you like to read. There are many business blogs out there with real-time updates. They’ll keep you informed about the recent trends in the markets, breaking news and other information. But it’s imperative not to make any managerial or business decisions solely by reading blogs.
– Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz
9. Content Aggregator Tools
Use a content aggregator like Feedly. You can categorize the content you receive by using its filters, or simply scroll through the top events in your industry.
– Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance
10. Your Professional Network
You don’t have to passively get industry information from others by waiting for a newsletter or following a blog. You can simply ask your network of peers about what they think will be the next big thing. Create a poll on social media or ask in a group. Tag people and use the right hashtags, and you should get some great information that’s live, varied and unexpected.
11. Team Meetings
In our office, we hold 15-minute meetings two to three times a week to discuss current trends, changes and innovations in technologies and market fluctuations in our industry. Holding a meeting with people with different interests, reading habits, passions, etc. can keep you on the edge every day. The key is to talk less and listen to every member of your team.
12. Browser Notifications
Allow credible news and resources to notify you within your browser to see headlines and news faster and easier. You don’t really need to read the whole article; the headline and a glimpse of the news are usually what you need to be on top of things.
– Daisy Jing, Banish
13. Top Reporters
If you want to stay on top of what is going on in a given industry without investing too much time, identify the best reporters or the best curators of news in your industry and consume their content regularly. While I believe in the importance of absorbing a diversity of perspectives, if you are pressed for time, it is imperative to receive your hard news from a trusted source.
– Adam Mendler, The Veloz Group
14. Customized Social Media Feeds
Does your social media show you the most relevant, updated industry information? If not, you could be the last to find out what’s going on and stay on top of trends, which is bad for business. Instead, customize your social feeds to cater to your needs and only show you content within your industry. By following relevant accounts and deleting others, you only leave room for what’s necessary.