Over recent years it would be fair to say that we’ve seen the rise of hybrid working. Once upon a time it may have only been reserved for a select few in the world but now, the majority of the workforce are taking full advantage of it.
However, it’s not for everyone – and some businesses are firmly against it. The purpose of today is to explore how you might be able to make it work for your company and bask in the advantages that have been so well publicized over recent years.

Define what hybrid working means for your business
Suffice to say, hybrid working is going to mean different things for everyone.
For some businesses, it’s about having a strict routine in place – where employees are expected to be in the office a set number of days per week.
For others, it’s a much more relaxed culture. It’s all about asking employees to attend the office when it’s deemed necessary and in some cases, this might just be a handful of times per year.
Understanding how your business works and what would work best for you is crucial before making the switch.
Make your office space attractive
If you’re going to be asking employees to come into the office on a semi-regular basis, it’s important to make sure that your office space is somewhere that they actually want to be.
This means creating a space that’s comfortable, modern and most importantly – enjoyable to work in.
If your office is a stuffy, outdated and cramped then it’s likely that employees will take one look at it and head back to the comfort of their own homes. Consider a commercial office fit out to really make the most of your approach.
Invest in your technology
You’re going to be having some of your workforce in your offices, while others are sat at home. Ultimately, you require a tech stack that is going to facilitate the best possible working outcomes.
This isn’t just about downloading a free version of Zoom; optimum hybrid working setups require oh-so much more than this. Instead, think about proper conferencing facilities for your office space, and allowing employees to collaborate on documents via the cloud.
Invest even more in onboarding
If you’re expecting employees to be productive in a hybrid working environment, it’s important that they feel comfortable and confident in their roles from day one.
This means dedicating more time and resources to onboarding than you might’ve done in the past.
Make sure that every single employee knows exactly what’s expected of them, and give them the opportunity to ask any questions that they might have.
Furthermore, even though you might just be opting for office-time to be in the form of a couple of times per week, during those onboarding periods you may need to have more flex. New employees require more one-on-one time and this is where the benefits of a flexible hybrid approach can really come into their own.