How and Why to Choose a B2B Repacking Partner

Repacking is the process of transferring your products from one set of packaging to another. There are many motivations that could make this practically necessary, from better promoting your brand to conforming with retail requirements.

But is it always the best idea to handle this process with a formal B2B repacking partner? And if so, how do you choose the right one for your business?

B2B repacking

The Benefits of Repacking

Let’s start by looking at the benefits of repacking. There are many viable reasons to pursue repacking and repackaging, such as:

  • Targeting new customers. For some businesses, the main motivation is to target new customers. If you package your product differently or showcase it with a different brand, you might be able to appeal to an entirely new segment of purchasers. You can open a variety of new opportunities for your business this way.
  • Increasing sales with existing customers. For others, the core motivation is to increase sales with existing customers. Sometimes, seeing a product in a new package allows customers to see it in a new light, driving new sales in the process.
  • Building new brands. You may also be interested in repackaging for the purpose of building and popularizing new brands. These can be subsidiaries of your existing brand or entirely new creations that you plan to scale in the future.
  • Smarter stock management. Repackaging can also help you practice smarter stock management. If you have products being used in many different packages and applications, you can reduce inventory and operate much more efficiently.

The Advantages of Working With a B2B Repacking Partner

So why should you choose a B2B repacking partner instead of handling things in house?

  • Cost reduction. One of the biggest advantages is cost reduction. Instead of hiring and training everyone internally, you can take advantage of a team that already exists. This is often the less expensive move, and it can financially benefit your business in the long run.
  • Higher productivity and efficiency. B2B repacking experts know what they’re doing. Accordingly, they’re inclined to imbue your processes with higher productivity and higher efficiency as a result.
  • Experience and expertise. Assuming you choose a reliable partner, you’ll get access to their experience and expertise. They can help you brainstorm solutions to your existing problems. They can help you troubleshoot issues that arise in the future. And they can help you navigate this space if you’re somewhat unfamiliar with it.
  • Sustainable practices. If you’re concerned about sustainability issues, you should know that repacking has the potential to produce a lot of waste if improperly managed. Choosing the right B2B packing partner can help you plan around this, utilizing sustainable practices and services.
  • Reliable quality. Generally, you can count on your partner to maintain the quality of your products and increase the quality of your packaging. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, and therefore more recurring revenue.
  • A point of accountability. If you have a trusted business partner, they become a locus of accountability. If and when something goes wrong, they’ll take responsibility for it and make up the difference.
Unique packaging
photo credit: Hubble / Unsplash

How to Choose a B2B Repacking Partner

So how do you choose the right B2B repacking partner?

  • Available services. You can start by looking at their available services. Not all repacking partners offer the same host of services, and not all of them offer the same service contracts for enlisting those services. Review your options carefully and see if they’re a good fit for your brand.
  • The process. You’ll also need to investigate the process that this repacking partner uses to repack your products. What checks and balances are there? What kind of quality assurance standards are in place? Is this an efficient and repeatable process that will benefit your organization?
  • Flexibility and scalability. Consider the flexibility of this partner as well; are you able to customize a plan that works for you? Are they willing to work with you on novel problems that you need to solve? By extension, you should also look into the potential scalability of this operation. Is this an organization that can grow with you over time?
  • Customer service and interactions. Don’t neglect customer service aspects. Is it easy to get in touch with this partner? Do they answer your questions honestly and openly?
  • Ratings and reviews. How have other people benefited from using this partner in the past? Are there reviews and testimonials attesting to its quality and reliability?
  • Pricing. Finally, you’ll need to think about pricing. If you’re torn between similar options, pricing could be the most effective tiebreaker – but remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best.

The right B2B repacking partner can instantly improve your business. You could get access to new customers, increase sales, decrease costs, and ultimately manage all your repacking needs much more efficiently.