Is There an Ideal Phone Proximity for a Restful Sleep?

In today’s era of constant connectivity, many of us find it difficult to disconnect from our phones, even at bedtime. However, research suggests that keeping our phones too close during the night negatively impacts the quality of our sleep.

This article explores the optimal phone proximity for restful sleep and provides practical tips for improving sleep hygiene.

Poor sleep hygiene

The Effects of Blue Light Emission

Studies have shown that exposure to blue light emitted by electronic devices like phones can interfere with our natural sleep-wake cycle. Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating our sleep, making it harder for us to fall asleep and achieve deep, restorative rest.

Maintaining a Minimum Distance

So, “How far away should your phone be when you sleep?” To reduce the adverse effects of blue light, experts recommend maintaining a minimum distance between yourself and your phone when preparing for bed.

Placing your phone at least three feet away from your sleeping area can significantly reduce exposure to blue light without compromising accessibility.

Creating Tech-Free Zones

Designating specific spaces in your bedroom as tech-free zones can help create an environment conducive to better sleep. By establishing dedicated spaces where you don’t bring your phone, such as your bedside table or across the room, you can minimize its disruptive presence while ensuring access if needed.

Utilizing Night Modes and Blue Light Filters

Most smartphones nowadays offer night modes and blue light filters you can enable during evening hours. These settings change the color temperature of your screen to warmer tones, reducing the amount of blue light emitted. Implementing these features within two hours before bedtime can signal your body to prepare for sleep.

Mindfully Using Do Not Disturb Mode

‘Do Not Disturb’ mode is a valuable tool for avoiding unnecessary disruptions at night. By activating this mode, you can ensure that calls, notifications, and alerts won’t disturb your sleep. Utilizing this function alongside an established bedtime routine facilitates a more tranquil environment for optimal rest.

Exploring Alternative Alarm Options

Using your phone as an alarm may tempt you to keep it close at night. However, relying on its proximity can lead to increased exposure and potential disturbances. Investing in a traditional alarm clock or dedicated sleep-tracking device will eliminate the need to keep your phone by your bedside, allowing for undisturbed and uninterrupted sleep.

Developing a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine helps signal to our bodies when it’s time to wind down and prepare for restful sleep. Including activities like reading a book, practicing relaxation exercises, or listening to calming music can promote relaxation while causing us to disengage from our phones.

Sleeping entrepreneur

Mindful Phone Usage Before Bed

Proactively managing phone usage in the evening can significantly impact sleep quality. Engaging in stimulating activities on our phones, such as intense gaming, scrolling through social media, or watching exciting videos, can make it harder for our minds to relax and wind down. Instead, consider setting boundaries on phone use at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed. Use this time for activities that promote relaxation, such as practicing mindfulness or engaging in light stretching exercises.

By shifting our focus away from screens and towards calming activities, we create an environment conducive to restful sleep.

Establishing a Charging Station Outside the Bedroom

Charging our phones overnight near our sleeping area keeps them within reach and exposes us to potential distractions throughout the night. By designating a charging station outside the bedroom – e.g., in the kitchen or living room – we create a physical separation between ourselves and our phones at night.

This subtle change can help break any attachment or dependence on checking messages or notifications when we should be focusing on getting quality sleep.

Prioritizing Sleep-Enhancing Features and Apps

While excessive screen time before bed is generally discouraged, some apps and features can help you achieve better sleep patterns. Several sleep-tracking apps monitor your sleep duration and provide insights into your sleeping habits. These apps can help identify potential disruptions or areas of improvement in your nightly routine.

Additionally, white noise generators built into certain smartphone apps mimic soothing sounds like raindrops or ocean waves to promote relaxation and mask other distracting noises that may disturb your slumber.


Although staying connected has become integral to our daily lives, exercising caution with our phone habits at bedtime is vital for ensuring restful sleep. We encourage healthy sleep hygiene practices by implementing practical strategies such as maintaining distance from our phones, designating tech-free zones in the bedroom, utilizing night modes and filters, using ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode wisely, exploring alternative alarm options, and developing a bedtime routine.