Engagement Marketing: Definition, Strategies, and How To Do It

How can you hit the right note with your customers enough to choose you over others every time?

In this article, we will show you how to use engagement marketing effectively to build stronger connections, create trust, and create more lasting relationships with your audience.

Let’s get started.

Engagement marketing

What Is Engagement Marketing?

Engagement marketing, also known as experiential marketing or participation marketing, focuses on creating meaningful interactions with your audience. It’s about going beyond just selling a product or service. Instead, you engage customers in ways that build trust and create a stronger bond with your brand. It helps with:

  • Getting customers to recommend your brand.
  • Making your brand easier to remember and recognize.
  • Getting more people to interact with and enjoy your content.
  • Meeting customer needs at each stage of the customer journey.
  • Building stronger connections and getting customers to come back.

8 Effective Customer Engagement Marketing Strategies

As you apply these strategies, ask yourself: Are my objectives clear and measurable? Do I truly understand my audience? This mindset will guide you to create impactful and lasting connections.

1. Pop-Up Power: Leverage Push Notifications

Mobile push notification infographic

Push notifications are short messages sent directly to your customers’ smartphones or desktops, even when they aren’t actively using your app or website. Use push notifications to notify customers about important updates like new product launches, limited-time offers, or upcoming events using these 4 strategies:

  • Tailor notifications to individual user preferences and behaviors to make them more relevant.
  • Prompt users to revisit your app or website. For example, send timely push notifications about new content, special offers, or updates to boost participation.
  • Encourage quick actions, like making a purchase or signing up for an event.
  • Provide helpful reminders like abandoned cart alerts or order status updates to improve customer satisfaction.

2. Fan-Tastic Creations: Leveraging User Generated Content

User generated content

UGC posts have a 4.5% higher conversion rate than other types of content. People trust content created by other consumers more than traditional advertising. When customers share their content on social media, it exposes your brand to their followers, extending your reach organically.

Follow these steps to make the most out of UGC for your marketing campaigns:

  • Organize photo or video contests where customers can submit their entries for a chance to win prizes.
  • Show user-generated content on your website, social media channels, and marketing materials.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials. Then, share this positive feedback on your website and social media to build customer trust.
  • Develop a unique branded hashtag and encourage your customers to use it when they post about your products or services. For example, Coca-Cola uses the hashtag #ShareACoke that lets customers share photos of their personalized Coke bottles.

3. Fame Game: Tap Into Influencer Marketing

49% of consumers rely on influencer recommendations to make purchasing decisions. So,  collaborate with influencers to reach potential customers who might not have found you otherwise.

Follow these 5 steps to successfully use influencer marketing:

  • Look for influencers who align with your brand values and have an audience that matches your target demographic. Use tools or platforms that specialize in finding influencers in your niche like BuzzSumo, Upfluence, or HypeAuditor.
  • Approach influencers with a genuine interest in collaboration. Offer value in return like free products, exclusive discounts, or monetary compensation.
  • Decide what you want to get out of your influencer marketing campaign. Do you want to get your brand noticed? Or do you want to bring more people to your website? Set clear goals to plan your strategy according to your goals.
  • Work with influencers to develop creative and engaging content that highlights your brand naturally. Encourage them to share their personal experiences with your products or services.
  • Track engagement rates, website traffic, and conversion rates. Use this information to see what works and make improvements for future campaigns.

4. Group Grooves: Build An Active Community

64% of customers want brands to connect with them, so create an active community group or forum to engage your customers with your brand. It also serves as a support channel where customers can get help from both peers and your brand representatives.

You can build an active community group with these 5 steps:

  • Choose a platform by analyzing where your audience is most active and comfortable. For example, use Facebook Groups for social engagement, Reddit for niche discussions, or a dedicated forum for in-depth interactions.
  • Start discussions, ask questions, and share valuable content to stimulate conversation and keep the community engaged.
  • Make sure the community stays in a positive and helpful space by moderating discussions and addressing any issues as they arise.
  • Recognize active members by featuring their posts, giving shout-outs, or offering rewards.
  • Share exclusive content, early access to products, and special offers to keep members engaged and make them feel valued. An excellent example of this is Whop’s communities, where members receive exclusive access to premium trading tools, early notifications about significant market events, and special discounts.

5. Skill Sessions: Live & Digital Workshops

Plan workshops to share your expertise with your audience. Give your prospects a space for interactive learning, where participants can ask questions, join discussions, and connect with like-minded individuals.

You can host a successful in-person or online workshop by following these 3 steps:

  • Plan your workshop at least 4-6 weeks in advance and promote it through your website, social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to attract participants.
  • Make the workshop interactive using Q&A sessions, group activities, and hands-on exercises.
  • Offer supplementary materials like handouts, slides, or recordings, to enhance the learning experience and provide lasting value.

6. Loyal & Loved: Start Your Loyalty Programs

75% of consumers say they are likely to make another purchase after receiving an incentive. When you reward customers for their purchases and interactions, they’re more likely to come back. Make sure to Track customer behavior through your loyalty program to know their preferences and buying habits. Then, tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Here’s how you can set up an effective brand loyalty program:

  • Decide on a loyalty program that fits your business. For example, use a points-based system if your customers often buy smaller items like coffee or snacks. If your business sells high-end products like electronics, use a tiered rewards program to offer discounts for bigger purchases.
  • Define what actions will earn rewards and what those rewards will be. Make sure the incentives are appealing and easy to achieve. For example, give customers a $5 coupon for every $50 they spend.
  • Let your customers know about your loyalty program through your website, social media, email newsletters, and in-store signs.
  • Simplify the sign-up process using social media logins or one-click registration options so customers can easily enroll and start earning rewards.
  • Keep your loyalty program members interested with regular updates, special offers, and exclusive content. Personalize your communications to make them feel special.

7. Get Personal With Tailored Product Suggestions

Personalized product suggestions

91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations. This helps them find products they’ll love and encourages them to spend more time exploring your site.

For example, if you’re selling on Amazon, use Amazon listing optimization to display personalized suggestions prominently so they are more likely to catch the customer’s attention and drive additional purchases.

Follow these 6 steps to implement personalized product suggestions:

  • Analyze past purchases, browsing history, and preferences to make relevant recommendations. For example, if a customer frequently buys running gear, suggest the latest running shoes or accessories.
  • Integrate AI and machine learning algorithms that learn from customer behavior to provide accurate suggestions.
  • Show personalized product suggestions on your homepage, product pages, and checkout page. For example, the “Customers who bought this also bought…” sections can encourage additional purchases.
  • Upselling products. Suggest higher-end products or complementary items that enhance the main purchase. For example, if a customer is buying a camera, recommend lenses, tripods, or memory cards.
  • Cross-selling products. Highlight related products that go well together. To understand better, see how Green Supply suggests related products to customers who visit their health supplements page. They strategically labeled it “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” feature on the checkout page to catch customers’ attention just before they complete the purchase.

8. Engage & Retain With Email Marketing

Personalized emails can boost your click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%, making them a powerful tool for connecting with your customers. Start by setting up automated welcome emails for new subscribers to introduce your brand and set clear expectations. Use tools like Mailchimp or HubSpot to easily create and send these emails.

Follow these 5 steps to boost your email click-through rates:

  • Tailor your messages to each segment’s needs. Send product recommendations based on past purchases.
  • Make sure every email provides useful information, exclusive offers, or engaging stories.
  • Craft subject lines that include a sense of urgency, curiosity, or offer a benefit. For example, “Unlock Your Exclusive Discount Today!” or “5 Tips You Can’t Miss for Boosting Productivity.”
  • Use clear and compelling CTAs to guide recipients towards desired actions like visiting your website or making a purchase. A compelling CTA should be specific, action-oriented, and create a sense of urgency or benefit, like “Shop Now for 20% Off!” or “Learn More Today.”
  • Include tailored product recommendations like sending follow-up emails with suggestions after a purchase or abandoned cart emails with related products.

How To Create & Optimize Your Engagement Marketing Campaign

As you go through each step, ask yourself: Where is my audience most active and engaged? Which platforms will maximize my campaign’s reach and impact?

I. Get Clear On Your Targets

Start by clearly understanding what you want to achieve with your customer engagement marketing strategy. Are you looking to:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Boost customer loyalty
  • Drive more sales
  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Generate more leads

Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, aim to increase website traffic by 30% in the next quarter or boost social media engagement by 25% over two months.

II. Get to Know Your Target Audience

Know your target audience

Use Google Analytics to gather data on who visits your website. Look at these metrics to understand the demographics of your audience:

You can also use social media platforms to learn about your followers’ behaviors. For example, use the analytics tools on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to see your followers’ demographics and track their engagement with your posts.

Similarly, Use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to learn about your customer’s purchase history, interactions with your brand, and preferences. Analyze this data to identify patterns and trends.

For example, if a customer frequently buys athletic shoes and has shown interest in running gear through inquiries, your CRM can store this information. Then, you can send targeted promotions for new running shoes or gear specifically to those customers.

III. Develop a Content Plan

Social media content plan example

Determine the types of content that will resonate with your audience. This can include:

  • Videos
  • eBooks
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Social media posts

Once you’ve decided on your content format, generate topic ideas. Use Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find popular search terms and topics related to your industry. Make sure to look at trending topics in your field and consider what questions your audience frequently asks.

Follow these 6 strategies to plan your content for better engagement:

III.I. Create A Content Calendar

Develop a content calendar that outlines what content you will publish and when. Use ClickUp, Trello, or Semrush to organize and schedule your content. Include key dates, holidays, and industry events that are relevant to your audience. For example, if you run a fitness blog, plan content around New Year’s resolutions or summer workout tips.

III.II. Determine Frequency & Timing

Decide how often you will publish content and the best times to post. Use insights from your audience research to determine when your audience is most active. For instance, if your audience is most engaged on social media in the evenings, schedule posts for that time.

III.III. Assign Responsibilities

Assign tasks to team members or outsource to freelancers. If you’re outsourcing work, use hiring platforms like Genius or Upwork to find top-tier freelancers, or Prosple to hire recent graduates for budget-conscious projects. Then, clearly define roles like writers, designers, video producers, and social media managers and assign them responsibilities.

III.IV. Select Distribution Channels

Choose where you will share your content like your website, blog, social media, email newsletters, and third-party sites. Then, adjust your content to suit each distribution channel.

For example, create short, engaging videos for Instagram and detailed blog posts for your website. Use platform-specific features like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, or Twitter threads to enhance engagement.

III.V. Promote Your Content

Without effective promotion, even the best content can go unnoticed. You can promote your content with these 5 key methods:

  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Advertising
  • SEO Optimization
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

For example, send a weekly newsletter featuring new blog posts, special offers, or curated content that adds value to your audience. You can also use sponsored posts on social media, pay-per-click ads, or native ads to reach a wider audience and get more eyes on your content.

III.VI. Repurpose & Refresh Content

94% of marketers repurpose their content into different formats to reach a wider audience. For example, if you have a popular blog post, why not turn it into an engaging infographic or a podcast episode?

It’s also important to keep your existing content fresh. Set a reminder to review and update your content every six months to ensure it’s still relevant and accurate. For evergreen topics, make sure the information remains up-to-date, adding new insights or data as needed.

social media marketing

IV. Be Active On Social Networks

Identify the social media platforms your target audience uses most often to make sure your content reaches them. For example, use Instagram to connect with a younger audience who enjoys visual content like photos and videos. Similarly, use LinkedIn to share industry insights, professional achievements, and B2B marketing.

Follow these 8 strategies to engage with your audience on social media platforms:

  • Schedule daily posts to maintain a consistent presence.
  • Respond promptly to comments and messages, ideally within an hour, to engage with your audience.
  • Share a content variety like photos, videos, polls, and stories, to keep things interesting.
  • Use relevant hashtags and join in on trending topics to increase visibility.
  • Host live streams for Q&A sessions, product demos, or behind-the-scenes tours.
  • Share behind-the-scenes content to give your followers a look into your brand’s daily life.
  • Participate in or start trending conversations that align with your brand’s values.
  • Collaborate with influencers or other brands for giveaways or guest posts to expand your reach.

V. Monitor & Uncover Your Performance Data

Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your content. Track metrics like:

  • Page Views
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Session Duration
  • Engagement Rates (likes, comments, shares)
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR)
  • Conversion Rates
  • Social Media Reach
  • Email Open Rates

Review your analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Look for patterns and insights that can inform future content decisions. For example, if video content performs better than written posts, consider creating more videos.

Social media engagement


As you apply these strategies, ask yourself: What is the easiest strategy I can implement right after this read? Start small and work your way up to more complex strategies. Knowing you already started will move you to continue implementing strategies until you see the result you aimed for.

To learn more about how to grow your business, visit Noobpreneur. We offer valuable resources and advice to help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. Embrace these strategies, stay committed, and watch your customer engagement and loyalty soar.