8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mobile Net Speed

Nothing less than a fast internet connection will do these days. With so many online activities and tasks to do on a daily basis, you simply don’t have the time, or the patience, to keep waiting for pages to load and respond.

You can do some online research and get some useful pointers by clicking on a useful link this how to increase net speed in mobile. In the meantime, here are some simple but effective suggestions to help you improve your mobile net speed.

Woman using smartphone with high-speed internet

Try rebooting your router to boost your speed

Many of us tend to leave the router connected for weeks or months at a time, only rebooting it if there is a power cut or you have to change its location. This can potentially create a caching issue that could slow your internet down.

Your phone’s internet will be slower when this happens. You might find that a simple reset of your router will give everything a new lease of life and make your internet connection faster.

Is your router in the right spot?

Another fundamental performance check to look at would be whether your router is in the right place to offer the best connection speed.

In simple terms, the quality of your internet will be impacted by where it is located, and how far away your phone is from the connection. It is also worth checking whether your router’s signal might be partially blocked by objects like walls, or heavy furniture.

If you can move your router to a more central and open location, you could find that your phone’s internet speed improves.

Have you reached the limit of your data cap?

The majority of cellular and internet providers tend to apply what they deem as a “fair usage” policy, which means that they may put a cap on your data. Your data plan might also have a cap that will mean you have connection problems when you hit that ceiling.

Once you breach your monthly data limit, it is highly likely that your internet speed will drop, until your plan renews the following month.

Check what your data cap is and whether you might be able to increase it, if you are regularly getting near, or over, the limit.

Have you tried a direct cable connection?

By its very nature, a wireless connection is going to be more susceptible than a direct ethernet connection. If it is possible to connect your phone to an ethernet connection you could find that your internet speed improves noticeably.

Ethernet adaptors are easily available at a modest price. They are worth trying, as ethernet connectivity almost always delivers a faster and more reliable internet experience.

Get rid of unwanted adverts

Unwanted adverts are a nuisance. They are also likely to slow down your internet speed as a result of ads on autoplay that try to gain your attention.

Once a page starts getting clogged by the unwanted adverts you are likely to experience endless frustration as you wait to scroll down or click away from the advertising intrusion.

The simple solution to this issue would be to enable ad blockers. Alternatively, you could try using incognito mode to give you a more streamlined browsing experience.

Blocking unwanted ads popping up on your phone should help improve your internet speed.

Business people with smartphone

Try clearing your cache

Another simple but effective thing to try would be to clear your cache. When you don’t clear your phone’s cache regularly you run the risk of seriously hindering your internet connection.

It is worth remembering that caches have a deserved reputation for being a prime suspect when it comes to slowing down your internet connection. That’s why you should clear your phone’s cache on a regular basis.

It is simple enough to do. Go to your device’s history and arrange to clear the browsing data.

Get some technical help from your internet provider

If you are regularly getting frustrated by a slow internet connection, you could try talking to the technical help desk provided by your provider.

Their technicians have plenty of knowledge and experience to be able to ask you some relevant questions about your setup, and offer some suggestions and things to try in order to help boost your connection speed.

Could you get a faster speed elsewhere?

If you don’t get a positive response from your existing supplier’s technical help desk you could try voting with your feet in an attempt to get a better connection, and deal.

It is feasible that your existing setup and data plan simply isn’t good enough, or quick enough, for your needs. Make sure you search for a service that offers a full-fiber experience. This is what you need to have the best chance of enjoying fast connection speeds.

There are some other viable options and hacks to consider in your quest for the best possible internet speed available for your phone.

For instance, you could optimize your hardware to make your phone more efficient. If there are less apps running in the background, this gives your device a better chance of diverting more of its resources to giving you a better internet connection.

When you have multiple apps running on your phone that are always open, these will almost certainly help to slow your phone down. Carry out a review of your hardware settings and options so that you can give your device a new lease of life. This could help speed up your connection as a result.

Finally, it is worth the effort of keeping your iOS up to date. If you are running an outdated version of your iOS it is almost certainly going to have an impact on your internet connection speed.

To keep your phone fully up to date, you could try turning on automatic updates in your settings. New updates will run overnight and free up more resources to help improve your phone’s overall performance.

As you can see, there are lots of ways to improve the speed of your phone’s internet connection. Don’t accept slow speeds. There are lots of things you can do to boost your connection speed so that you can enjoy a faster and more positive browsing experience.