How Can Startups Navigate Regulatory Hurdles?

Startup regulatory hurdles

How do you navigate regulatory hurdles when launching a new startup?

These answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at

1. Create a Pre-Launch Regulatory Checklist

Understanding regulations is key when launching a startup, and one effective approach I always recommend is creating a regulatory checklist during the pre-launch phase. This checklist acts like a roadmap, ensuring you don’t overlook any critical legal requirements specific to your industry. Take my experience with VMeDX, for example. Before launch, my brothers and I spent months researching HIPAA regulations. We drafted a checklist of compliance requirements and regularly consulted with legal advisors to review it.

The checklist included items such as patient data protection protocols, secure communication channels, and regular compliance audits. This method not only helped us avoid legal pitfalls but also built trust with our clients. A well-structured checklist saves you time and potential headaches, letting you focus on building your business. Make sure to regularly update it as regulations change to keep your startup on track.

Dr. Gregory Gasic, VMeDx

2. Build Compliance from the Ground Up

As someone with experience launching healthcare IT and software companies, regulatory compliance is always top of mind. My team makes it a priority to fully understand applicable laws like HIPAA before development even begins. We map out a compliance strategy, set internal policies, and implement controls to mitigate risk at every stage.

For example, when developing telehealth software, we ensured data privacy and security by using encryption, access controls, and secure transmission protocols. We also trained staff on the proper handling of sensitive health data.

Some startups think they can worry about compliance later, but that’s shortsighted. Non-compliance penalties and legal issues can damage your reputation, halt operations, and even lead to criminal charges. It’s far better to build compliance in from the ground up. If you’re not a regulatory expert, consider bringing in specialized consultants. Their guidance can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run.

Staying on top of regulations also keeps your startup agile. When new rules come out, you’ll have processes in place to quickly evaluate the impact and make necessary changes. That adaptability will serve you well as technologies and laws continue advancing.

David Pumphrey, Riveraxe LLC

3. Leverage Your Professional Network

Growing your network can help you navigate regulatory hurdles when launching a startup. Connecting with professionals who have built businesses from the ground up will help you get acquainted with the challenges that you may encounter when getting started. Being mentored or seeking counsel from seasoned business professionals not only helps you become familiar with the regulatory obstacles but also enables you to come up with effective countermeasures.

Blair Williams, MemberPress

Hiring an experienced lawyer

4. Hire a Lawyer for Industry Compliance

When it comes to regulatory hurdles in launching a new startup, there’s no ‘navigating’ around them—you follow them, plain and simple. Cutting corners isn’t just risky; it’s a guaranteed way to tank your business before it even gets off the ground.

The first step is always to hire a good lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the specific regulations in your industry. They’re essential for making sure you’re compliant with everything from licensing to privacy laws. Instead of trying to figure out the legal landscape yourself, focus on building your product or service while the experts handle the paperwork and compliance. The last thing you want is to hit a regulatory snag after launch, so it’s worth the investment upfront. It’s not glamorous, but ensuring you’ve got everything buttoned up legally means you can focus on growing the business without any nasty surprises down the road.

Plus, once you start bringing investors in and other people’s money gets involved, and you get to further funding rounds, or in a worst-case scenario, your startup folds, there is no money better spent than on properly protecting yourself and your interests from the outset.

Travis Schreiber, Erase Technologies

5. Anticipate Future Regulations

Navigating regulatory hurdles involves a degree of anticipating future regulations. While it’s crucial to be compliant with current rules, your best bet is to stay ahead of the curve by researching emerging trends and potential legislation in your industry. In my experience, this approach might involve consulting with industry experts, attending conferences, or joining relevant associations so you can stay informed about upcoming changes.

By understanding the direction regulations are headed, you can build adaptable systems and processes that are more likely to remain compliant in the long term. We’ve found that this forward-thinking approach saved us significant time, money, and resources, and I think it will help you, too.

Josh Kohlbach, Wholesale Suite

6. Develop a Compliance Roadmap

I develop a compliance roadmap to ensure my startup meets all the legal requirements before we launch. This means creating a step-by-step plan that outlines all the regulations we need to follow and setting clear timelines for when everything needs to be done. This might include things like obtaining necessary licenses, adhering to industry-specific standards, and making sure all our documentation is up to date. By having this roadmap, I can keep track of all the important details and make sure we’re fully compliant from day one.

Bryce Welker, Accounting Institute of CPAs

Business compliance tracking

7. Educate and Adapt for Compliance

Navigating regulatory hurdles when launching a new startup can feel daunting, but with the right approach, you can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth.

Understanding the regulatory environment is the first step. Research the regulations specific to your industry. Look into federal, state, and local laws that could impact your business. Their expertise can provide clarity and prevent costly mistakes.

Regulations can change, and staying informed is key to long-term compliance. Regularly review updates from regulatory bodies, industry newsletters, and legal briefings. Be ready to modify your strategies and operations in response to regulatory changes. Agility can turn challenges into opportunities.

Approaching regulatory hurdles with a proactive and informed mindset empowers you to navigate them effectively, ensuring that your startup not only complies with necessary regulations but also sets a strong foundation for long-term success.

Alfredo Atanacio, Uassist.ME

8. Integrate Compliance via Thorough Research

Regulatory hurdles aren’t roadblocks; they’re part of the journey. Start with thorough research and industry-specific legal advice. Build compliance into your foundation early, creating a roadmap that evolves as your startup scales. Surround yourself with mentors who’ve navigated similar terrain. Proactive planning ensures compliance while building trust and longevity.

Samuel Thimothy, OneIMS

9. Adopt an Agile Compliance Approach

We use an ‘Agile Compliance’ approach, which means we build compliance into our business model from the start. We research regulations early and work with legal experts to break down complex rules into manageable steps. By integrating compliance into our processes, we can adapt quickly to changes and reduce the risk of legal issues, ensuring a smoother launch.

Echo Shao, Lansbox