Gold plays an important role in the game, being the primary currency. It is necessary to purchase equipment, consumables, and improve professions and characters. Earning WoW Cata gold becomes one of the key tasks for every player, requiring careful planning and the execution of various in-game activities.
There are numerous farming methods, so you can choose the one that suits you best, but this article will consider Volatile Elements farming to obtain Cataclysm gold.
Why is farming elements a good way to get gold?
Volatile Elements are expensive resources on the in-game market that are always in demand by other players. They are often used in various item crafts and equipment crafts, making them popular in most major professions. For farming, you don’t need to invest a large amount of effort and resources to start.
Types of elements and farming features
There are 5 main elements in total: Volatile Air, Volatile Earth, Volatile Fire, Volatile Water, and Volatile Life. All elements can only be obtained in certain locations and by certain methods so below we have written short guides for each element.
Volatile Air
Volatile Air is one of the difficult elements for farm in locations because it does not have as many places for this. All spots are located in Uldum.
Scion of Al’Akir
Killing these elementals gives you the opportunity to get the Air element that you need. These mobs are easy to kill and have a quick respawn, so you can stay in the location and wait for new enemies to appear. You can find them in the area around Orsis. Be careful, your chance of getting the resource may decrease if other players are doing the Minions of Al’Akir quest in the area.
The Vortex Pinnacle
The dungeon that will allow you to earn Volatile Air. Your attention should be drawn to trash mobs, which are the main source of the resource. You can run the dungeon solo or with a few companions. Your task is to kill as many trash mobs as possible, after which you should reset the dungeon and start again. For solo runs, you should have strong equipment and a class capable of dealing damage and taking hits.
This crafting profession, when combined with gathering professions such as mining, herbalism, or skinning, allows you to obtain Volatile Air from each node. To do this, you need to use the Electrostatic Condenser.
Volatile Earth
Obsidian Stoneslave
Killing these mobs allows you to get Volatile Earth. They are located east of Thundermar in the Twilight Highlands zone. Having the mining profession will be an advantage for you because you can extract this resource from mob corpses, increasing your efficiency.
This location has several interesting points for farming Volatile Earth. One of the most interesting ones is in the area of completing the “Fear of Boring” daily quest near Therazane’s Throne. You must kill Gorged Gyreworms and gather elements and ore from their corpses. Other players can also kill enemies, and your task is to collect the mob’s corpse. This method does not guarantee a drop on the first or second attempt; it depends on your luck.
Volatile Fire
Surprisingly, fishing is one of the best ways to farm fire. There are two main locations where you can gather fire: Twilight Highlands and Mount Hyjal. In Twilight Highlands, players can go to Cannon’s Inferno, where they will find a “Pool of Fire” in the lava. These spots are marked with a special border. You can fish several times, but the pools may disappear. It takes 10-15 minutes for them to reappear. In Mount Hyjal, you can find pools opposite the Sulfuron Spire.
Unbound Emberfiend
This is a mob that you can find in Humboldt Conflagration, which is located northwest of Thundermar in the Twilight Highlands. You have a chance to get fire, killing these mobs. This method is suitable if you haven’t fishing skills or you want some variety.
Volatile Water
To obtain water, unlike fire, you can fish in any location and zone of Cataclysm. You can also find pools of water, but this is not a mandatory condition. You can fish in regular water, but the drop rate will be lower.
Killing Muddied Water Elemental
Killing Muddied Water Elementals is another way to farm Volatile Water. The farming spot is located west of Dragonmaw Port. This area often has high competition, so fishing may be the better method for obtaining water.
Volatile Life
This element is different from others and has very limited ways of obtaining it. You can get Volatile Life as an additional drop by gathering new herbs in various Cataclysm regions or by finding it in Strange Bloated Stomachs. This element can be used to create items as well as for transmutation.
Transmutation Volatile Life
Volatile Life is the most versatile element for an alchemist. Players can use Transmute: Living Elements, which allows them to transform 15 lives into 14-16 other elements. Players can perform transmutations in specific areas to guarantee the desired element:
- Mount Hyjal will grant you Volatile Fire
- Vashj’ir will grant you Volatile Water
- Deepholm will grant you Volatile Earth
- Uldum will grant you Volatile Air
The easiest way to get gold
If you get tired of farming and want to enjoy the game world without restrictions, you can buy Cataclysm gold. Purchasing gold in World of Warcraft Cataclysm is a common practice among players looking to progress faster in the game. When it comes to Cataclysm Classic gold buying, it’s important to choose reputable sources to avoid issues with your account. You can easily purchase resources from trustworthy sellers who offer fast and secure transactions.