From Sofia to Bistritsa: Bulgaria’s Expanding Real Estate Market and Ognian Bozarov’s Role in The Vale
Why Googol Rules Ivan Widjaya·June 15, 2008Googol, representing a numeric one with 100 number of zeros after it, rules in today’s Internet. Googol? What’s...Tips·2 Comments·0
Franchise agreement: From a Noobpreneur Point of View Ivan Widjaya·June 13, 2008Franchising is about getting the right business at the right location, right? Wrong! It’s about the franchisee agreement...News·0 Comments·0
Managing Your Business Good Will Ivan Widjaya·June 9, 2008No, I’m not talking about good will in literal meaning. It’s related to business valuation – Good will...News·0 Comments·0
Resilient Entrepreneur – How to Become One Ivan Widjaya·June 7, 2008Resilience, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or...Personal DevelopmentTips·2 Comments·0
Franchisor Insider Story: Why Franchising is Difficult yet Necessary in Growing Your Business Ivan Widjaya·June 6, 2008I’ve post a few on franchising – mostly from the eye of a franchisee. This time, I present...News·0 Comments·0
Purchase a Franchise or Starting Up Your Own Business? Ivan Widjaya·June 2, 2008Most people ask, “are buying a franchise unit will make you rich?” My sole answer, “No – You...Tips·0 Comments·0
How to Navigate Your Business in the Midst of Recession Ivan Widjaya·June 1, 2008To most small businesses, recession hits hard. That includes my business. What gives? I can’t guess any culprits...Personal DevelopmentTips·0 Comments·0
Intermediaries – Made Obsolete by the Internet? Ivan Widjaya·May 28, 2008Intermediaries is what middlemen do – You bridge between clients or consumers and providers or producers. You make...News·0 Comments·0
Paranoia Marketing Ivan Widjaya·May 25, 2008Here I coined a new phrase for you – Paranoia Marketing :) What is Paranoia Marketing? Paranoia marketing...News·5 Comments·0
Young Entrepreneur – How Young is Too Young? Ivan Widjaya·May 24, 2008I am a firm believer that entrepreneurs can be taught, whether he/she is born with it or not....News·0 Comments·0