Navigating the Legal Needs of Your Start-Up Chris Birk·June 2, 2010Lawyers are a necessary evil for business ventures. Not that lawyers are evil. It’s just an expression. They’re...Legal·2 Comments·0
Earn Out Provisions | Are You Using all the Tools Available to Close Business Transactions? Mitch Biggs·May 5, 2010Advantages and Disadvantages of Earn Out Provisions Mitch Biggs is a Featured Business and Finance Contributor on Associated...LegalNegotiationResourcesTaxesTips·2 Comments·0
Earn Out Provisions | How to Properly Structure Earn Out Provisions Mitch Biggs·April 30, 2010Art of the Deal Mitch Biggs is a Featured Business and Finance Contributor on Associated Content. This is...LegalNegotiationTips·0 Comments·0
Reviewing Your Legal Bill rtauler·March 18, 2010Lawyers have gained a reputation in some circles that is unsavory. Some of it warranted, most of it...Legal·1 Comment·0
Offer to Purchase or Letter of Intent Mitch Biggs·March 6, 2010Both terms are used to describe an offer made to purchase a business. An over-simplification of the...LegalNegotiationTips·0 Comments·0
How to Decide When it is Time to Trademark Your Logo Resource Nation Team·March 3, 2010If you think about it, not having your company’s name or logo trademarked is similar to not protecting...Legal·1 Comment·0
Lawsuits and Your New Business: The Case Against Filing a Lawsuit rtauler·February 23, 2010When your enterprise is in its critical initial phases, pursuing claims against deadbeat vendors and two-timing salespeople may...Legal·2 Comments·0
Top 7 Gotcha’s at Closing When Buying a Business Mitch Biggs·February 7, 2010The buying and selling of businesses can be an arduous process. Both the buyer and seller are...LegalTips·0 Comments·0
A Day at Entrepreneurs Law School Scott Messinger·February 6, 2010Sometimes it may be easy to recognize what a successful person looks like because of the fancy car,...LegalNegotiationOpportunitiesTips·0 Comments·0
International Litigation – Dealing With Witnesses in Foreign Countries rtauler·January 31, 2010In the increasingly global economy, it is not uncommon for business disputes to involve international witnesses. Depositions...Legal·0 Comments·0