From Sofia to Bistritsa: Bulgaria’s Expanding Real Estate Market and Ognian Bozarov’s Role in The Vale
The Greatest Accomplishment of Health Care Reform Mitch Biggs·March 17, 2010The recent barrage of political posturing over Health Care Reform has been a blessing. Finally, the American people...News·3 Comments·0
We Suck Less Scott Messinger·February 25, 2010Back in 1985 I was working for (a Texas based Technology company ). We were bidding on a...NewsPersonal DevelopmentTips·0 Comments·0
Lies, Damn Lies and Government Statistics Mitch Biggs·February 15, 2010Too often, we think the data is straightforward math and simply draws on the underlying data sources. The...News·0 Comments·0
The Search for Start-Up Capital: Entrepreneurs Should Investigate Royalty Based Financing Chris Birk·February 3, 2010Entrepreneurs in search of investment capital walk a financial tightwire. In traditional angel investment or venture capital circles,...News·0 Comments·0
Working Capital – Where’s The Cash? Mitch Biggs·January 30, 2010Remember the Wendy’s fast food chain tagline, “Where’s the Beef?” Buyers ask, “Where’s The Cash?” Working capital is...BloggingLegalNegotiationNewsTips·2 Comments·0
How to Brand Your Business Email Communication Like a Pro on a Shoestring Budget SMB Authors·January 29, 2010Small business owners are experts in minimising costs and maximising results. In your business email communications, using the...BrandingMarketingNewsProductivityReviewsTips·2 Comments·0
Why Surety Bonds Can Prove Crucial for Start-Ups Chris Birk·January 11, 2010Entrepreneurs generally have a mile-long checklist in the build up to launching their new venture. But one item...News·2 Comments·0
Start or Buy a Green Business: Measure Twice – Cut Once Scott Messinger·January 7, 2010I believe a disconnect exist between all the news media exposure regarding the “green movement”, “green jobs”...IdeasNewsPersonal DevelopmentTips·2 Comments·0’s New Year Resolution for 2010 Ivan Widjaya·December 29, 2009We have done with everything we could to render as a reputable resource for small business owners...News·0 Comments·0
Venture Capital Opportunities for Small Businesses Chris Birk·December 24, 2009Counted among the nation’s most powerful homegrown companies, AOL, FedEx, Intel and Apple all share another common bond:...NewsResources·2 Comments·0