From Sofia to Bistritsa: Bulgaria’s Expanding Real Estate Market and Ognian Bozarov’s Role in The Vale
Is Selling My Business the End Game ? Scott Messinger·July 15, 2009The End Game In the business world, your professional career, your job, what is your end game? Do...Personal DevelopmentPersonal FinanceTips·0 Comments·0
Will Payday Lending Bill Help Borrowers? Ivan Widjaya·May 23, 2009Pres. Obama is busy restructuring the financial systems, and that includes payday lending. The payday lending bill –...Personal DevelopmentPersonal Finance·0 Comments·0
Why Retire Early is a Misconception? Ivan Widjaya·May 7, 2009Everybody wants to retire early. However, not many people envision what they would do after the retirement. Many...OpportunitiesPersonal Finance·8 Comments·0
Understanding the Flow of Time and Money to Achieve Financial Independence Ivan Widjaya·April 22, 2009I would like to take the opportunity to review and recommend to you this magnificent book that personally...InvestingOpportunitiesPersonal DevelopmentPersonal Finance·2 Comments·0
Recession Buster – Stop Whining and Nagging, Start Looking for A Solution Ivan Widjaya·January 30, 2009Whining and nagging are humane. However, I heard of them too much these days, especially in this recession...Personal DevelopmentPersonal FinanceTips·8 Comments·0
New Year, New Hope: Plan to Get Ready to Surf the Big Wave Ivan Widjaya·December 28, 2008First of all, I would like to apologise for not posting in this past few days. I’m not...BloggingIdeasInvestingPersonal FinanceTips·8 Comments·0
Holiday Season Shopping: It is Time to Utilise Your Credit Cards for Your Small Business Needs Ivan Widjaya·November 29, 2008Here’s the good thing of today’s recession – retailers are giving deep, real deep, discounts to attract customers....Personal FinanceProductivityResourcesTips·4 Comments·0
Gaining Control of Your Business and Personal Finance is Key in Surviving Today’s Financial Crisis Ivan Widjaya·November 22, 2008Probably the Term of The Year in today’s business and finance world is “gaining control”. Today’s tight credit...Personal FinanceProductivityTips·2 Comments·0
The Obama Effect on Small Business Ivan Widjaya·November 9, 2008Congratulations to Mr. Obama :) I’m not into politics, but I think that the newly appointed Barack Obama...OpportunitiesPersonal Finance·2 Comments·0
Is My Money Not Safe Because of Financial Institutions Collapse or Other Reasons? Ivan Widjaya·October 17, 2008With the recent collapse of several large financial institutions, such as AIG and Lehman brothers, followed by the...Personal DevelopmentPersonal FinanceTips·0 Comments·0