From Sofia to Bistritsa: Bulgaria’s Expanding Real Estate Market and Ognian Bozarov’s Role in The Vale
Should Public Schools Teach Entrepreneurship? SMB Authors·October 5, 2012Public schools have an interesting dilemma ahead of them: How do they follow existing testing paradigms while they...News·2 Comments·0
Entrepreneurs: Don’t be Insane! Ivan Widjaya·September 23, 2012“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein Entrepreneurs –...Personal Development·0 Comments·0
Why Start a Business in the United Arab Emirates? SMB Authors·September 10, 2012Have you ever thought of setting up an international business in another country? Perhaps somewhere exotic, maybe even...InvestingOpportunities·0 Comments·0
Entrepreneurs: Do NOT Learn from Your OWN Success Ivan Widjaya·September 7, 2012Do you really, really want to be successful? Perhaps the question above is rather silly; who on earth...Personal Development·0 Comments·0
Gangnam Style: What Entrepreneurs can Learn from PSY Ivan Widjaya·September 2, 2012Two days ago my sister in law told me about a hot new music video; she loves to...Personal Development·0 Comments·0
7 Tips for Starting a Yoga Studio SMB Authors·August 27, 2012As the passion for yoga continues to increase, the idea for more and more individuals is to take...Ideas·0 Comments·0
Instructions to Apply for Grants for Women Starting a New Business SMB Authors·August 24, 2012Women have become independent today. The desire to make their identity in the society has grown more than...Tips·0 Comments·0
100 Facts on Florida Businesses For Sale Sold August 2012 Scott Messinger·August 16, 2012I am a Florida Business broker working with business owners selling their Florida businesses, and business owners and...Opportunities·0 Comments·0
Women Entrepreneurs Thrive in the Midst of Challenges (Infographic) Ivan Widjaya·July 20, 2012Do women make better entrepreneurs than men? Not trying to stir gender issues, but I would like to...News·3 Comments·0
5 Business Ventures Young Entrepreneurs Can Do In College SMB Authors·July 16, 2012Finding a job that is flexible enough to balance both work and school is sometimes easier said than...Ideas·2 Comments·0